Crossroads MVP

- Anthropoids

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Anthropoids are almost identical to other Humanoids but have been reclassified as separate due to their limited Diplomatic relations. For the purpose of any spells or other abilities, they will usually count as Humanoid. Many Humanoid species refuse to see themselves as similar, however, and many Anthropoids are treated as lesser species.

Anthropoid Communication

Anthropoids may have differing physiology that makes it difficult for them to communicate with other species. This may be that they are unable to speak or understand other languages, or simply struggle to conceptualise diplomacy at all. While there may be relations within these factions, or even between factions, they struggle to communicate effectively with Humanoid species.

Sometimes it may be possible to make simple communications, such as through the use of body language and gestures, and even very simple diplomacy, such as peace-treaties, non-aggression pacts, and trade through barter.

Certain individuals may be able to learn to communicate with Anthropoids, or Anthropoids may be able to communicate with Humanoids, but this is uncommon and communication is typically very difficult.



Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 2 (1)
[D]: 0 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: −1 (0)
[P]: 1 (0)
[M]: 8
[H]: HHH
Unarmed Strike

Deal D blunt damage; non-lethal

- Range: Touch


Small Anthropoid


Sneaky Snake

Naturally sneaky and nimble, able to wriggle silently through tiny gaps. Gain Advantage when trying to squeeze through gaps, sneak, or hide.

Goblin Bully

Goblin Bully

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 1 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: 0 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: −2 (−1)
[P]: 1 (0)
[M]: 8
[H]: HHH
Brutal Club

Deal D blunt damage

- Range: Immediate

Goblin Bully

Small Anthropoid


Sneaky Snake

Naturally sneaky and nimble, able to wriggle silently through tiny gaps. Gain Advantage when trying to squeeze through gaps, sneak, or hide.

Opportunistic Fighter

Gain Advantage on damage when the target is unable to make Avoidance Rolls.


This character is a bully and a coward.

Gain Advantage on intimidation and fighting dirty, but Disadvantage on Fear and other effects.

Goblin Shiv

Goblin Shiv

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 2 (1)
[D]: 1 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: −1 (0)
[P]: 1 (0)
[M]: 9
[H]: HHH
Nasty Shiv

Deal DD sharp damage

- Range: Touch

Boot Shiv

Deal D puncturing damage; RV1

- Range: Close

Goblin Shiv

Small Anthropoid


Sneaky Snake

Naturally sneaky and nimble, able to wriggle silently through tiny gaps. Gain Advantage when trying to squeeze through gaps, sneak, or hide.

Opportunistic Fighter

Gain Advantage on damage when the target is unable to make Avoidance Rolls.

Goblin Archer

Goblin Archer

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 2 (1)
[D]: 0 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: −2 (−1)
[P]: 2 (1)
[M]: 9
[H]: HHH

Deal D sharp damage

- Range: Touch

Short Bow

Deal DD puncturing damage; RV1

- Range: Short

Goblin Archer

Small Anthropoid


Sneaky Snake

Naturally sneaky and nimble, able to wriggle silently through tiny gaps. Gain Advantage when trying to squeeze through gaps, sneak, or hide.

Opportunistic Fighter

Gain Advantage on damage when the target is unable to make Avoidance Rolls.

Strike from the Shadows

Does not immediately reveal position upon attacking an enemy. However, gains Disdvantage on these Attack Rolls if trying to remain hidden.

Goblin Fighter

Goblin Fighter

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 1 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: 1 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: 0 (0)
[P]: 1 (0)
[M]: 8
[H]: HHH
Wicked Blade

Deal DD sharp damage;

- Range: Immediate


SV 1 - Small Shield

Goblin Fighter

Small Anthropoid


Sneaky Snake

Naturally sneaky and nimble, able to wriggle silently through tiny gaps. Gain Advantage when trying to squeeze through gaps, sneak, or hide.

Opportunistic Fighter

Gain Advantage on damage when the target is unable to make Avoidance Rolls.

Basic Discipline

Goblin Fighters have more discipline than your average Goblin, and are able to form lines and act like actual soldiers if required, even following orders.

Goblin Shaman

Goblin Shaman

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: −1 (0)
[K]: 2 (1)
[W]: 0 (0)
[P]: 0 (0)
[M]: 8
[H]: HHH
Spooky Stick

Deal D blunt damage

- Range: Immediate

Hex of Pain

Deal D non-lethal damage

- Range: Short

Ignores AV; Resist vs [B]

Goblin Shaman

Small Anthropoid


Sneaky Snake

Naturally sneaky and nimble, able to wriggle silently through tiny gaps. Gain Advantage when trying to squeeze through gaps, sneak, or hide.

Opportunistic Fighter

Gain Advantage on damage when the target is unable to make Avoidance Rolls.

Silencing Hex

Target becomes Silenced.

- Resist: vs. [W]

- Range: Short

Blinding Hex

Target becomes Blinded.

- Resist: vs. [B]

- Range: Short


Kobolds typically live underground in small communities led by an Oracle.

Kobold communities under a Dragon will typically be much larger and may have a number of Oracles.



Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: 0 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: 1 (0)
[P]: 1 (1)
[M]: 7
[H]: HHH
Unarmed Strike

Deal D blunt damage; non-lethal

- Range: Touch

Kobold Claws

Deal D sharp damage

- Range: Touch


Small Anthropoid


Tunnel Dweller

Adapted to living in tunnels and less likely to gain Disadvantage in low-light or darkness, but may gain Disadvantage in areas of bright light.

Kobold Scales

Grants A

Kobold Claws

Claws may be used to fight and can cut certain materials.

Kobold Warrior

Kobold Warrior

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 1 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: 0 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: 1 (0)
[P]: 1 (0)
[M]: 7
[H]: HHH

Deal DD puncturing damage;

- Range: Immediate


SV 1 - Small Shield

Kobold Warrior

Small Anthropoid


Tunnel Dweller

Adapted to living in tunnels and less likely to gain Disadvantage in low-light or darkness, but may gain Disadvantage in areas of bright light.

Kobold Scales

Grants A

Kobold Claws

Claws may be used to fight and can cut certain materials.

Kobold Shield Wall

Gains a1 on Block Avoidance Rolls when standing beside an ally that would also be able to block the attack.

Kobold Slinger

Kobold Slinger

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 2 (1)
[D]: 0 (0)
[K]: 0 (0)
[W]: 1 (0)
[P]: 2 (1)
[M]: 8
[H]: HHH

Deal D sharp or puncturing damage

- Range: Touch


Deal DD blunt damage; RV1

- Range: Short

Kobold Slinger

Small Anthropoid


Tunnel Dweller

Adapted to living in tunnels and less likely to gain Disadvantage in low-light or darkness, but may gain Disadvantage in areas of bright light.

Kobold Scales

Grants A

Kobold Claws

Claws may be used to fight and can cut certain materials.

Screaming Shots

This character may use special Screaming Shot ammunition:

- Signals to nearby allies.

- Target may be Feared (vs. [W])

- The attack gains d1 on damage.

Kobold Oracle

Kobold Oracle

Small Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 0 (0)
[D]: −1 (−1)
[K]: 1 (0)
[W]: 2 (1)
[P]: 0 (0)
[M]: 6
[H]: HHH
Oracle Cane

Deal DD blunt damage; two-handed

- Range: Immediate

Power Bolt

Deal D magic damage;

- Range: Short

Kobold Oracle

Small Anthropoid


Tunnel Dweller

Adapted to living in tunnels and less likely to gain Disadvantage in low-light or darkness, but may gain Disadvantage in areas of bright light.

Kobold Scales and Claws

Grants A

Claws may be used to fight and can cut certain materials.

Hand of Fate

Grant an ally a1, or an enemy d1, on their action next turn.

- Range: Short

Dragon Blessing

Certain Oracles may be blessed by a Dragon.

Power Bolt damage type may change to be the same as the Dragon Patron instead of magic.

Beastkin - Canid

Canids typically form small nomadic communities based around hunting. Particularly large or warlike clans may even raid other communities. Celtic.



Medium Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 1 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: 0 (0)
[K]: −1 (0)
[W]: −1 (0)
[P]: 1 (0)
[M]: 8
Unarmed Strike

Deal D blunt damage; non-lethal

- Range: Touch


Medium Anthropoid


Apex Hunters

Gain Advantage on both tracking foes and avoiding trackers.

Pack Hunters

Gain Advantage against target when Adjacent to allies.

Savage Bite

A special attack dealing D damage.

May only be used against Grappled opponents.

- Range: Touch

Canid Hunter

Canid Hunter

Medium Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 1 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: 1 (0)
[K]: −1 (0)
[W]: −1 (0)
[P]: 2 (1)
[M]: 8

Deal D puncturing damage

- Range: Adjacent


Deal DD puncturing damage; RV1

- Range: Close

Canid Hunter

Medium Anthropoid


Apex Hunters

Gain Advantage on both tracking foes and avoiding trackers.

Pack Hunters

Gain Advantage against target when Adjacent to allies.

Savage Bite

A special attack dealing D damage.

May only be used against Grappled opponents.

- Range: Touch

Canid Raider

Canid Raider

Medium Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 2 (1)
[A]: 1 (0)
[D]: 1 (0)
[K]: −1 (0)
[W]: −1 (0)
[P]: 0 (0)
[M]: 8

Deal DDa1 sharp damage

- Range: Immediate


Deal DD puncturing damage; RV1

- Range: Close

Canid Raider

Medium Anthropoid


Apex Pack Hunters

Gain Advantage on both tracking foes and avoiding trackers.

Gain Advantage against target when Adjacent to allies.

Savage Bite

A special attack dealing D damage.

May only be used against Grappled opponents.

- Range: Touch

Loot and Pillage

Gain a1 when attempting to break anything.

Sweeping Strikes

Make a single attack against all enemies in range but unable to make Attack Avoidance Rolls.

However, this attack gains d1 on Damage.

Canid Druid

Canid Druid

Medium Anthropoid

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 1 (0)
[A]: 0 (0)
[D]: −1 (−1)
[K]: 1 (0)
[W]: 1 (0)
[P]: −1 (0)
[M]: 7
Ritual Dagger

Deal D sharp or puncturing damage

- Range: Touch

Canid Druid

Medium Anthropoid


Savage Bite

A special attack dealing D damage.

May only be used against Grappled opponents.

- Range: Touch

Steal Strength

Target becomes Weakened.

Druid may imbue this strength to another.

- Resist: vs. [B]

- Range: Short

Imbue Strength

Target gains a1 on damage and [B] Skill Rolls.

- Range: Close


Entangle up to [W] targets with vines or roots. Entangled targets are unable to move or defend themselves.

- Resist: vs. [B] or [A]


Big lumbering brutes.

Cave Troll

Cave Troll

Large Chthonic

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 4 (2)
[A]: −1 (0)
[D]: −1 (0)
[K]: −2 (−1)
[W]: −1 (0)
[P]: 0 (0)
[M]: 6
Troll Punch

Deal DDa1* blunt damage; Slow

- Range: Touch


Deal DDa2* blunt damage; Slow

- Range: Immediate

*See Immense Strength

Cave Troll

Large Chthonic



Rock-hard skin ignores D damage and causes d1 to incoming sharp damage.

Powerful Roar

May cause Fear in enemies.


Throw stones, debris, or even small creatures at a target.

Immense Strength

Attacks cannot be parried, and enemy Block Attack Avoidance Rolls gain d2.

Gain a1 on all damage inflicted.

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