Crossroads MVP

- Elementals

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Elementals are cool.

Elemental Cores

Mana Elementals contain Elemental Cores, which act as eyes, ears, and central nervous systems for the Elemental. These are typically made from crystal, glass, or another hard material. Sometimes this can even be formed from Crystallised Mana.

Elemental Cores may be used as a Power Source, and have [H] based on the Elemental Size:

Elemental Size Core [H]
Small H
Medium HH
Large HH, immune to H

Damaging Elementals

While certain elementals can be destroyed traditionally, most can quickly regenerate any damage taken. Weapons may be able to shatter ice and stone, but will do little damage to bodies made of pure fire or water. However, any damage to the Elemental Core of an Elemental will typically prove fatal. Destroying the Core, or separating the Core from its element will cause the Elemental Form to dissipate.

Attacking an Elemental Core can be quite difficult. Certain Elementals, such as Ice or Earth Elementals, protect their Cores with their hard bodies and others, such as Water or Fire Elementals, move their core around their body. Attempting to hit the Elemental Core will usually cause Disadvantage on the attack, and may require teamwork to create an opening.

However, Elemental Cores do not benefit from Elemental Body resistances or immunities. They are only immune to damage of their type (Eg. Fire Elemental Cores are immune to fire)

Certain Mana Elementals can also be weak to certain other elements, anti-magic effects, certain materials, and powerful sorcerers may be able to Banish Elementals. For example, Fire Elementals fear water and all elementals are weak to .

Even if the Elemental Core is not damaged, sufficient damage to an Elemental's Body will weaken it and might send it into hibernation, taking it Out of Action.

Regenerating Damage

Injured Elementals may regenerate H for each turn spent absorbing their element. For example, Storm Elementals absorb electricity and Water Elementals absorb water. This may happen if they are struck by an attack that deals that damage and they are immune.

Instead of healing H, they may reduce H damage to H, or H damage to H.

If there are no Hs on the character, they may instead heal H.

Creating Elementals

Certain Magic-users may be able to Create Elementals. This will usually require control of the necessary Element (Path of Flame for Fire Elementals, for example) and will require the creation of an Elemental Core.

Additionally, if an intact Elemental Core is placed back in its Element, the Mana Elemental might regenerate. If the core is damaged, the Elemental may be smaller than it was before.

Base Elementals

Below are simplified stats for elementals of each size.

Small Elemental

Small Elemental

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 0 (0)
[A]: 1 (0)
[T]: 0 (0)
[P]: *1 (0)
[K]: (−1)
[S]: (−1)
[W]: (−1)
[C]: 0 (0)
[M]: 8
[H]: HHH
Elemental Strike

D type damage

- Range: Touch

Elemental Blast

D type damage

- Range: See Elemental Core

Medium Elemental

Medium Elemental

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 1 (0)
[A]: 0 (0)
[T]: 1 (0)
[P]: *2 (1)
[K]: (−1)
[S]: (−1)
[W]: (−1)
[C]: 0 (0)
[M]: 7
[H]: HH HH
Elemental Strike

DD type damage

- Range: Touch

Elemental Blast

DD type damage

- Range: See Elemental Core

Large Elemental

Large Elemental

Physical Mental Other
[B]: 2 (1)
[A]: −1 (0)
[T]: 2 (1)
[P]: *3 (2)
[K]: (−1)
[S]: (−1)
[W]: (−1)
[C]: 0 (0)
[M]: 6
Elemental Strike

D type damage

- Range: Immediate

Elemental Blast

D type damage

- Range: See Elemental Core


____ Elemental


Mindless require a master to perform many actions. Without a master, they may only fight or stand still.

Mindless are immune to most mental effects.

Elemental Form (Element)

Grants certain effects or defences.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Elemental Core (Element)

Attacks and other abilities are based on the element.

This affects the Range of Elemental Blast.

Primal Mana Elementals


Earth Elementals are dirty

S. Earth Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Earth)

Damage type is blunt or sharp.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Earth)

Weak to frost.

Magic Resistance and A.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.


Move or shape earth into any form and transform it between stone, earth, and sand.

- Range: Touch

One with the Earth

Earth Elementals are harder to stop, slow, or trip. They are also able to burrow through earth or sand at normal speed.

M. Earth Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Earth)

Damage type is blunt or sharp.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Stone)

Weak to frost.

Magic and Puncturing Resistance and AA.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.


Move or shape earth into any form and transform it between stone, earth, and sand.

- Range: Touch

One with the Earth

Earth Elementals are harder to stop, slow, or trip. They are also able to burrow through earth or sand at normal speed.

L. Earth Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Earth)

Damage type is blunt or sharp.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Bedrock)

Weak to frost.

Magic and Physical Resistance and AA.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.


Move or shape earth into any form and transform it between stone, earth, and sand.

- Range: Touch

One with the Earth

Earth Elementals are harder to stop, slow, or trip. They are also able to burrow through earth or sand at normal speed.


Water Elementals are wet

S. Water Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Water)

Damage type is blunt or sharp.

Elemental Blast has Range: Close

Elemental Form (Water)

Weak to frost and electricity.

Fire and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Watery Form

Take any shape or form, appear smaller, and blend into bodies of water.

Move or shape water or other liquids into any form.

- Range: Close

M. Water Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Water)

Damage type is blunt or sharp.

Elemental Blast has Range: Close

Elemental Form (Water)

Weak to frost and electricity.

Fire and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Liquid Form

Take any shape or form, appear smaller, and blend into bodies of water.

Move or shape water, trap, trip, or push targets in water. Partially submerged targets cannot avoid.

- Range: Short

Watery Tendrils

Ensnare targets hit by melee attacks.

L. Water Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Water)

Damage type is blunt or sharp.

Elemental Blast has Range: Close

Elemental Form (Tidal)

Weak to frost and electricity.

Physical Resistance and Fire Immunity.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Tidal Flow

Take any shape or form, appear smaller, blend into, and even control bodies of water.

Move or shape water, trap, trip, or push targets in water. Partially submerged targets cannot avoid.

- Range: Medium

Watery Tendrils

Ensnare targets hit by melee attacks.


Fire Elementals are hot

S. Fire Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Fire)

Damage type is fire.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Fire)

Weak to water and earth.

Fire Immunity and Frost and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Control Flames

Move or shape Fire into any form.

- Range: Adjacent

M. Fire Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Fire)

Damage type is fire.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Fire)

Weak to water and earth.

Fire Immunity and Frost and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Control Fire

Move or shape Fire into any form, or cover an area with towering flames causing D fire damage per turn.

- Range: Short

L. Fire Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Fire)

Damage type is fire.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Inferno)

Weak to water and earth.

Fire and Frost Immunity and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Control Fire

Move or shape Fire into any form, or cover an area with towering flames causing D fire damage per turn.

- Range: Short


Ice Elementals are cool.

S. Ice Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Frost)

Damage type is frost and puncturing.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Frost)

Weak to blunt and fire.

Frost Immunity, Sharp Resistance, and A.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Control Ice

Create, move, or shape ice into any form.

- Range: Touch

Elemental Ice Claws

Move freely on icy surfaces and ignore icy terrain.

M. Ice Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Frost)

Damage type is frost and puncturing.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Ice)

Weak to blunt and fire.

Frost Immunity, Sharp Resistance, and A A.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Control Ice

Create, move, or shape ice into any form.

- Range: Touch

Elemental Ice Claws

Move freely on icy surfaces and ignore icy terrain.

L. Ice Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Frost)

Damage type is frost and puncturing.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Tundra)

Weak to blunt and fire.

Frost Immunity, Sharp Resistance, and AA.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Control Ice

Create, move, or shape ice into any form.

- Range: Touch

Elemental Ice Claws

Move freely on icy surfaces and ignore icy terrain.


Storm Elementals are

S. Storm Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Storm)

Damage type is electric.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Storm)

Weak to fire.

Electric and Physical Immunity.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Gather Clouds

Change the weather to be cloudy.

M. Storm Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Storm)

Damage type is electric.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Storm)

Weak to fire.

Electric and Physical Immunity.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Gather Rain

Change the weather to be rainy.

L. Storm Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Storm)

Damage type is electric.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Storm)

Weak to fire.

Electric and Physical Immunity.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Gather Storms

Change the weather to be stormy.

Divine Mana Elementals


Light Elementals are bright

S. Light Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Light)

Damage type is holy.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Light)

Weak to shadow.

Holy Immunity and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Body of Light (Signal)

Project light in a Medium Radius.

Light Blast

Blind a target.

- Range: Adjacent

M. Light Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Light)

Damage type is holy.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Light)

Weak to shadow.

Holy Immunity and and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Body of Light (Flare)

Project light in a Large Radius.

Light Burst

Blind all nearby enemies.

- Radius: Small

L. Light Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Light)

Damage type is holy.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Light)

Weak to shadow.

Holy Immunity and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Body of Light (Beacon)

Project light in a Very Large Radius.

Counts as Sunlight.

Beacon Burst

Blind and D holy damage to enemies.

Mend H on nearby allies.

- Radius: Medium


Shadow Elementals are shadowy

S. Shadow Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Shadow)

Damage type is shadow.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Shadow)

Weak to holy.

Shadow Immunity and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Shadowy Power

Sacrifice H to grant target a1 on a roll.

- Range: Touch

- Duration: Short

M. Shadow Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Shadow)

Damage type is shadow.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Shadow)

Weak to holy.

Shadow Immunity and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Shadowy Power

Sacrifice H to grant target a1 on a roll.

- Range: Touch

- Duration: Short

L. Shadow Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Shadow)

Damage type is shadow.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Shadow)

Weak to holy.

Shadow Immunity and Physical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Shadowy Magnificence

Sacrifice H to grant target a1 on all rolls.

- Range: Touch

- Duration: Short


Nature Elementals are

Profane Mana Elementals


Arcane Elementals are

S. Arcane Elemental

Small Elemental


Elemental Core (Arcane)

Damage type is arcane.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Arcane)

Weak to shadow and holy.

Arcane Immunity and Magical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Steal Magic

All spells within range gain d1.

- Range: Short

Requires Total Concentration

M. Arcane Elemental

Medium Elemental


Elemental Core (Arcane)

Damage type is arcane.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Arcane)

Weak to shadow and holy.

Arcane Immunity and Magical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Absorb Magic

All spells within range gain d1.

Heal H for each spell Failure.

- Range: Short

Requires Concentration

Share Mana

Sacrifice H to grant target a1 on their next spell.

- Range: Touch

L. Arcane Elemental

Large Elemental


Elemental Core (Arcane)

Damage type is holy.

Elemental Blast has Range: Short

Elemental Form (Arcane)

Weak to shadow.

Arcane Immunity and Magical Resistance.

Elementals are immune to effects like bleed or poison and may regenerate damage to their body.

Devour Magic

All spells within range gain d1.

Heal H for each spell Failure.

- Range: Short

Bestow Mana

Sacrifice H to grant target a1 on their spells.

- Range: Touch

- Duration: Short


Void Elementals are

Elemental Mounts

Elemental Mounts serve only one purpose: To carry their rider. They obey commands perfectly, but cannot perform any other actions and are unable to act without a rider, except to run towards their rider. While they may be used in combat, they will typically collapse if they are the target of an attack.

Elemental Mounts may take any shape, but are all identical except for their type and the associated ability below.

Elemental Mounts

Large Mount

No Threat


Elemental Form

Elemental mounts are immune to spells, damage, and any terrain that is related to their type.

One with the Earth

Earth mounts are harder to stop, slow, or trip.

Sea Legs

Water mounts can travel on or under water.

Wake of Ashes

Flame mounts can leave a plume of smoke and ash behind them to hamper followers.

Run Like the Wind

Air mounts can glide to fall slowly and leap greater distances.

Path of Frost

Frost mounts may travel easily on top of snow or water.

Guiding Light

Light mounts are adept at seeing hazards such as traps or pitfalls.

Wake of Shadow

Characters gain Disadvantage when detecting or attacking characters on Shadow mounts.

Arcane Barriers

Arcane mounts cause Disadvantage for incoming spell effects.

Void of Presence

Void mounts leave no trace whatsoever.

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