Crossroads MVP

Campaign Creation

What is a Campaign?

At its core, the Campaign is the story of the games you are playing.

This will typically involve a Setting, some Themes, and Objectives.

Campaign Setting

The Campaign Setting typically involves creating the world and the people and creatures that populate this world. Campaigns are usually divided into Established and Homebrew Settings.

When creating a Homebrew Setting, they can be in-depth and detailed, with deep history and cultures, or they can be more basic and free-form, with the details being added later as the Campaign progresses. Each has its merits and appeals to different players. It is also possible to begin with an Established Setting but make changes as you see fit, turning it into mixture of the two. For example, you might change the year, characters, or location entirely, but keep major elements of the original setting.

Choosing a Setting

When Choosing a Setting, some important things to consider are People, Technology, Magic, Landscape, and Climate.

Below are some questions you should all be asking when choosing or designing a Setting:

Click each section to expand.

Campaign Theme

When making a Campaign, it's important to have one or more Themes. These can be something more simple like a Genre, or more in depth such as philosophical questions or other topics. Before beginning a campaign, these Themes should be discussed with all of the Players at the table.

Setting Themes can be divided between Genre, Plot, and Objectives. These can change over the course of a Campaign.

Campaign Objectives

When making a Campaign, it's important to have Objectives. This can be something more simple like destroying an enemy or amassing wealth, or more in depth using personal stories and recurring antagonists. Before beginning a campaign, Players should suggest what their personal Objectives are for the Campaign.

These should be related to and may be changed or added to as Objectives are completed or Goals are met.

Typical Objectives:

Beginning Your Campaign

Characters and your Setting

How do the Player Characters fit into your setting? There are a few ways to do this:

Campaign Story

What is the story of your campaign? How do you plan to have your characters interact with the existing world?

After you've managed to get the Characters settled into the Setting and Story, you can start

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