Crossroads MVP

- Armour


Name AV Req. [B] Notes
Light Armour A - -
  • Gambeson, Buff Coat, Boiled Leather, Doublet, Padded Armour
Reinforced L. Armour A 0 -
  • Banded Leather, Ringed Leather, Jack of Plate
Name AV Req. [B] Notes
Medium Armour AA 0 Takes up additional inventory space.
  • Chainmail, Lamellar, Brigandine, Kikko
Reinforced M. Armour A A 1 Takes up additional inventory space.
  • Scale Armour, Layered Chainmail, Splint Armour
Name AV Req. [B] Notes
Heavy Armour AA A 1 Takes up 2 additional inventory spaces.
  • Steel Cuirass and Mail, Laminar Armour, Mirror Armour
Reinforced H. Armour A AA 2 Takes up 2 additional inventory spaces.
  • Plated Mail
Full Plate Armour AAA 2 Takes up 2 additional inventory spaces.
Name SV Req. [B] Notes
Light Shield 1 0 May still hold small items in Off Hand.
  • Lantern Shield, Adarga, Pelte
Buckler 2* 0 *Reduce SV to 0 against ranged attacks.
Medium Shield 2 1 -
  • Kite, Targe, Small Round, Small Heater
Heavy Shield 3 2 Takes up additional inventory space.
  • Large Round, Large Heater, Tower, Square, Pavise

Armour Value (AV)

Armour Value, or AV, may absorb attacks that target the character.
This is displayed similar to Health: A A A.

Armour can only block certain types of damage from attacks.

This is explained in detail in the section.


An Orc Character is wearing Medium Armour which grants AA.
If the character is struck by an attack that deals D , this damage may be absorbed by the armour.
If the character is struck by an attack that deals D , this armour may not be used.

While not a Statistic in the traditional sense, this value will usually be written on the character sheet.

AV is usually given by armour or spells or other effects, but certain characters may have a natural AV.

Repairing Armour

With Narrative Health, Armour may be used to absorb damage. If armour absorbs damage, it must be repaired using before it may be used again.

Damaged Equipment

Armour or Shields that are Damaged may cause Disadvantage on Rolls, and Equipment that is Broken might not be usable at all until it is repaired.

Most equipment can be repaired at a .

Armour and Shield Penalties

Heavier armours and shields take up more space and reduce the amount a character can carry.

Characters with Medium or Heavy Armour are able to carry fewer packs and other Equipment. Heavy Shields will also prevent a character from using equipment on their belt.

See for more information.

Main Hand
Off Hand

Click on the Off Hand and Body Slots above to see how Armour Penalties affect inventory.

Light Armour
Medium Armour
Heavy Armour
Heavy Shield
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