Crossroads MVP
[A], Agility
- An ACTION that is only usable because of your PATH.
- Also sometimes applies to PASSIVE benefits from a Path.
- An ACTION that is only usable because of your PATH.
- Also sometimes applies to PASSIVE benefits from a Path.
- Catch-all word for SPELLS, ATTACKS, or anything requiring a SKILL ROLL.
- Also includes MOVEMENT or anything else that may be performed as part of your TURN.
- By default, each CHARACTER gets two Actions per turn.
Additional Damage
- The Player Character (PC)
- The Character that the player uses to represent themselves in the world.
- With regards to spells or other effects, this refers to the person casting the spell or other ability.
- A character or monster that fights alongside another character or monster.
- Will often be affected differently by spells or other abilities.
- Requires a level of trust or cooperation.
- Insufficient levels of trust or cooperation will result in the party being NEUTRAL.
- An ENEMY of another ENEMY is not an ALLY by default.
Animate Object
- A non-magical creature that occurs naturally in the world.
- May be domesticated or wild.
- Usually non-sapient, but may be any level of intelligence.
- Usually needs to eat, drink, sleep etc.
Attack Roll
- Using a WEAPON to attempt to harm a CHARACTER or OBJECT.
- An attack roll, or rolling to attack, counts as a SKILL ROLL.
- A person or other entity in the game world.
- This usually refers to sapient entities, such as people or higher beings, but also includes intelligent animals or other creatures.
- See also: MONSTER
- Channel power for a spell
- Caster builds power during their turn in order to unleash a powerful spell
- Roll UNSTABLE MAGIC each turn
- Any Advantage or Disadvantage counts towards subsequent Unstable Magic checks if the spell is not cast the next turn.
- Channeling 10 means store 10 points
- Gain points equal to [P] each turn.
- A CREATURE created through magic, alchemy, or engineering.
- These will usually have a limited form of life. May be mindless or capable of limited thought.
- Examples include Golems, Animated Armour, or Homunculi.
- Constructs usually do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but have another power source, such as a power stone, or have a CONTROLLER.
- UNDEAD is a special type of Construct and as such is a separate CREATURE TYPE.
- The CASTER that controls the Demons, Constructs, Elementals, or Undead.
- Most commonly follows the format below:
- Control a number of CREATURES up to [P]
- Small 1[P]
- Medium 2[P]
- Large 4[P]
- Huge 8[P]
- If you exceed your limit roll a CONTROL CHECK
Control Check
- Check to retain command over controlled creatures
- See also MONSTER
Creature Type
- The category of Creatures that a CREATURE would belong to.
- Certain ACTIONS or EFFECTS may affect a TARGET differently depending on its Creature Type.
- Certain traits may be shared between creatures of the same type.
- Certain creatures may be more than one creature type.
- Such as an Undead Dragon.
- Mental or Physical or both.
- All mental or physical rolls gain d1.
- Also counts as WEAKENED
- If a character is weakened, and would become weakened, they may instead become crippled.
- Unable to cast magic if mentally crippled.
- Unable to run if physically crippled.
- Roll a d6 and half the result, rounding fractions up.
- 1 or 2 = 1
- 3 or 4 = 2
- 5 or 6 = 3
- May be written as Xd3, where X is a number. This means to roll that many dice.
- A six-sided die.
- The most common type of die, often found in board games and has the numbers 1 to 6 written on the sides.
- May be written as Xd6, where X is a number. This means to roll that many dice.
- Physical damage or harm taken by or dealt to the target.
- Will often have a DAMAGE TYPE
Damage, Additional
- DAMAGE done in addition to the original damage.
- This may be caused by SPELLS or ITEMS
- This DAMAGE counts as a separate ATTACK and will not be affected by anything that affected the original attack, such as MODIFIERS, and will not This DAMAGE is also affected separately by ARMOUR and RESISTANCES.
Damage Roll
- Rolling to see how much DAMAGE is dealt to the TARGET.
- May be modified by certain MODIFIERS.
- Usually a single d6
Damage Type
- The type of DAMAGE that has been dealt to the target.
- Examples are fire, slashing, holy, magic, stabbing.
- May affect resistances and affect how much damage is actually taken.
- May also affect other abilities.
- Attacks may be of more than one type.
- By default, damage is not split up between damage types.
- Adding b1 fire to an attack will cause all of the damage to be fire damage.
- This is optional, and as with all rules, may be changed by the GM.
- Does not apply to ADDITIONAL DAMAGE
- Mental or Physical or both.
- All mental or physical rolls gain d1.
- Also counts as WEAKENED
- If a character is Weakened, and would become Weakened, they may instead become Debilitated.
- Unable to cast magic if mentally debilitated.
- Unable to perform certain actions if physically debilitated.
- Gain d1 on all rolls.
- Failures may cause damage to self or allies.
- MOVEMENT is also halved (Rounding fractions up)
- Lasts until a successful OPPOSE ONLY ROLL
Disorient Attack
- An attack that DISORIENTS a target instead of, or in addition to, dealing damage
- An attack that drains power from a target.
- May drain POWER [P], an ABILITY, or just energy.
- The power is taken from the target and given to the caster.
- Stats may be reduced/increased, or abilities lost/gained.
- Draining energy will cause/remove FATIGUE or WEAKNESS.
- May backfire and allow the target to drain from the original caster.
- Anything that affects an ENTITY that is not DAMAGE.
- A character or monster that is acting hostile towards another character.
- Will often be affected differently by spells or other abilities.
- Does not apply to characters acting friendly or neutrally, but secretly an enemy. Only applies to openly hostile or actively distrusted
- Catch-all word for CHARACTERS, MONSTERS, ADVENTURERS, OBJECTS, or anything that could be described as a “Thing”.
- Mental or Physical or both.
- All mental or physical rolls gain d1.
- Also counts as FATIGUED
- If a character is Fatigued, and would become Fatigued, they instead become EXHAUSTED.
- Unable to cast magic if mentally exhausted.
- Unable to perform certain actions if physically exhausted.
Falling Over
- See TRIP
- Mental or Physical or both.
- Reduce Mental or Physical stats by 1
- May cause EXHAUSTION
- If a character is Fatigued, and would become Fatigued, they instead become EXHAUSTED.
- May be affected by both WEAKNESS and FATIGUE
- A character that is mentally fatigued must roll on the UNSTABLE MAGIC TABLE if they try to cast a spell.
Fatigue Points
- Points generated each turn of combat if you perform any actions.
- Cause Fatigue at the end of your turn if they exceed your current [H]
- May be removed with a REST ACTION
- Game Master
- The person in charge of running the game.
- They will usually play the monsters or other NPCs rather than creating an Adventurer.
- Sometimes referred to as a DM for Dungeon Master.
- Immune to all damage and effects of a certain type.
- All damage is reduced to 0, and any effects do not affect the character.
Immunity, Mild
- Reduce all damage (of specified type) by 5.
- Gain a2 in rolls opposing effects caused by the specified type.
- Does not stack with RESIST.
- The CHARACTER is unable to move, attack, or perform any other actions on their turn.
- Anything they are holding will be dropped.
- They will stop moving and fall PRONE if possible. Flying characters will fall.
- They will fall off of any ladders, mounts, or anything they are not otherwise attached to.
Incapacitate Attack
- An attack that INCAPACITATES a target instead of, or in addition to, dealing damage
Magical Creature
- Certain rules or effects that may affect the outcome of a roll or action.
- Most common are:
- A = Advantage Roll number more dice, remove lowest
- D = Disadvantage Roll number more dice, remove favourite
- B = Bonus Add number to roll
- N = Negative Remove number from roll
- P = Piercing Reduce armour by number
- Armour Reduce damage taken by number
- If roll uses d6, roll additional d6. If roll uses d3, roll additional d3.
- Roll additional d6 but half them as you would for any d3.
- A creature for the Party to fight or deal with in some manner.
- Most frequently an enemy, although they may be neutral or even allied.
- Usually dangerous or otherwise “monstrous”.
- Includes ANIMALS and other CREATURE TYPES.
- A CHARACTER travelling from one location to another.
- May be performed by RUNNING, walking, crawling, flying, teleporting, or any other method.
- Base speed is given as a jogging speed, with walking or crawling being half of that.
- See also: RUNNING.
Natural Weapon
- A CHARACTER or MONSTER that doesn’t fight against another CHARACTER, but wouldn’t be close enough to be an ally.
- Includes those with a common foe or those under a ceasefire or other non-aggression pact.
- Unaffected by spells affecting allies or enemies.
- Will still be affected by non-ally, or non-enemy targeting spells.
- Non-Player Character
- CHARACTERS that are not controlled by a PLAYER of the GAME, but are controlled by the GM.
NPC Roll
- Any SKILL ROLL or DAMAGE ROLL required to be performed by an NPC.
- Should be rolled by the GM, and may be done openly or be hidden.
- May be performed by another PLAYER (Using NPC stats) but should be done openly.
- Can use a defined result to reduce rolling.
- Simply define if the NPC will usually fail, partially succeed, succeed, or greatly succeed at a number of tasks.
- -1, 0, 1, or 2 for each Skill Roll.
- Will put more focus on the results of player Skill Rolls.
- Speeds up certain actions and might improve player enjoyment.
- An inanimate object in the world that may be acted upon by CHARACTERS.
- Certain OBJECTS may be sentient, in which case they may count as CONSTRUCTS or ANIMATE OBJECTS.
- Dead bodies or severed limbs may count as OBJECTS. UNDEAD do not count as OBJECTS.
- Women are not OBJECTS.
Object, Animate
- An object that is “alive” in some manner.
- This usually means an object that can move, think, or speak through magical means.
- Includes haunted items, living weapons, and talking statues.
- Does not include CONSTRUCTS or anything able to move or speak through non-magical means (Such as engineering).
Opposing Roll
- A SKILL ROLL made in response to an event or ACTION.
- Often defensive, usually [A], [T], or [W].
- Certain abilities or TALENTS will only affect Opposing rolls.
- NPCs may use a determined result to reduce rolling by the GM.
Opposing Only Roll
- When an OPPOSING ROLL is required, without an original ATTACK ROLL.
- Often used for lingering effects (Such as Stun) or environmental causes.
- In these situations, the original SUCCESS VALUE is decided by the GM.
- The other Player Characters that work together with the Adventurer.
- This includes non-player characters that may have joined the party for a while.
- During combat, this only counts for allies that have adventured together for an amount of time (Up to GM). Until you get to know the party, you
- Current route using the Path system.
- Grants abilities or modifiers when performing certain tasks.
Path Roll
- Human playing the game.
- This means you or the others playing with you.
- Unless otherwise stated, this does not include the GM. (But be nice to them, it’s still a game)
- The race or species of the character.
- May affect relations with other characters or the effects of certain items orabilities.
- Used to determine certain physical characteristics and potential backgrounds.
- Reduces damage taken from a source.
- Grants d1 to all damage rolls of a specified type.
- Gain a1 in rolls opposing effects caused by the specified type.
- See also IMMUNITY
- The final value after adding both SUCCESS VALUES
- The score of the Opposing Roll (OR) is deducted from the Skill Roll (SR), and the result is the outcome. This may not go below -1 or above 2, though the GM might treat these differently if they wish.
- Scores:
- Failure: -1
- Partial success: 0 (also called Compensating Failure)
- Success: 1
- Great success: 2
- Examples:
- SR Success
(1) and an OR Success (1) would give a Partial Success (0)
- 1 - 1 = 0
- SR Partial
Success (0) and OR Failure (-1) would give a Success (1)
- 0 - (-1) = 1
- SR Failure
(-1) and OR Great Success (2) would still give a Failure (-1)
- -1 - 2 = -1
- Cannot go above 2 or below -1.
Rest Action
- Spend your full turn resting
- Perform no actions or movement
- May speak or drink or perform other trivial actions.
- Removes all FATIGUE POINTS
- Moving at a high speed.
- Most characters are unable to perform any other actions while running.
- If a character declares they are running, for each turn after the first they may add their base movement onto their speed, up to four times After running, characters must spend an action slowing down before coming to a stop.
- Slowing Down is an action that requires a character to travel at least half of their base movement speed as they slow down. This may be a Failure to slow down before stopping requires an OPPOSING ROLL to prevent FALLING OVER.
Secondary Spell Effects
- Effects possible through spells. Usually managed through additional paths.
- Certain PATHS (Labelled “Magic Styles”) require another Magic path in order to use their effects.
- If a style is not present in the list under a spell, it is not possible to perform that style using that spell.
- These effects may be constrained and only possible by certain Magicks.
- Examples below:
- Range: Medium (The range of the attack variant)
- Damage: 1d6 (The damage of the attack variant)
- Augment: Holy, b1 (The damage type and modifier of the augment)
- Healing: b2 (The modifier for healing. 0 means no modifier)
- Barrier: 1d6 [H] (The type of barrier created)
- Conjuring: All (Restraints on conjuring. Weapons, Armour, or All)
- Manipulation:All (Beam, Blast, Missiles, or All)
- Elemental: Yes (Whether an elemental can be summoned)
- See PATH
Skill Roll
- Rolling 3d6 to succeed at a test.
- Usually based off of your Paths.
- ATTACK ROLLS count as a Skill Roll.
- Affected by certain MODIFIERS.
- An ACTION that uses magic as a key component.
- Usually part of a PATH in the MAGIC section.
Spell Roll
- Different to a SKILL ROLL
- If a spell is an ATTACK, the Spell Roll is the DAMAGE ROLL
- If the spell does not have a Damage Roll, then the Spell Roll is the Skill Roll.
- This usually represents the power of the magic, meaning that damaging spells will use the power for damage, but non-damaging spells will focus Power [P] is usually added to the Spell Roll.
- For most damaging spells, the Skill Roll represents hitting the TARGET, and is treated as an ATTACK ROLL instead.
- TARGET is stunned and is unable to perform any actions for their turn.
- Anything they are holding will be dropped.
- Flying CHARACTERS may fall.
- Lasts until a successful OPPOSE ONLY ROLL.
- See the STUN TABLE
Stun Attack
- An attack that STUNS a target instead of, or in addition to, dealing damage
- Consult the STUN TABLE
Success Value
- The number score given to the RESULT of a SKILL ROLL or OPPOSING ROLL.
- Scores:
- Failure: -1
- Partial success: 0 (also called Compensating Failure)
- Success: 1
- Great success: 2
- See RESULT for more information
- A passive benefit from a PATH.
- The ENTITY affected by the ACTION or EFFECT.
- If an entity is not a valid target, or the action misses or fails, they are no longer a target.
- The character trips or stumbles.
- Usually part of a TRIP ATTACK
Trip Attack
- An attack that trips a target instead of, or in addition to, dealing damage
- See the TRIP TABLE
- Dead creatures brought back to life through Necromancy.
- The simplest methods involve simply reanimating dead bodies, creating mindless husks that obey their CONTROLLER and lack self-awareness.
- More advanced methods involve binding spirits to similar dead bodies or other constructs. These creatures may be of varying degrees of sentience, though they will obey their CONTROLLER, if they have one.
- The most advanced method involves binding a single powerful spirit to a body, essentially resurrecting somebody in an undead form. These are called Risen, and are particularly rare and deadly. Risen do not have a CONTROLLER.
Unstable Magic
- Casting a spell that is more dangerous than normal.
- Often caused by casting a SPELL that the CASTER does not have the SKILLS for.
Unstable Magic Check
- Uses [W] as a MODIFIER
- May also be affected by negative modifiers.
- Rolled before the SPELL ROLL
- May be mental or physical or both
- Reduce relevant mental or physical stats by 1
- Weakened characters may become DEBILITATED
- An OBJECT that can be used to ATTACK something.
- For the purpose of spells and effects, this counts only for weapons found in the Weapons section of the Equipment Chapter.
- For improvised weapons, it is up to the GM.
- As per OBJECT, living creatures are not WEAPONS, even if they are used as such.
Weapon, Natural
- A “weapon” that is part of the CREATURE’s biology.
- This includes claws, fangs, horns, tusks, and any other body part that may be used to attack or fight anything.
- These do not count as WEAPONS for the purpose of ACTIONS or EFFECTS, unless otherwise specified, though they may be used to ATTACK.