Settlements are any area where characters can relax from adventuring. They can replenish supplies, repair equipment, spend money, hire services, and more. However, Adventurers can face other encounters or other issues even within the seemingly safe walls of a Settlement.
There are various types of Settlements and while they are each different, in many ways they may be treated the same. Below are some rules to help make Settlements more interesting during play.
Entering the Settlement
Entering a Settlement may be an event unto itself. Certain settlements may have strict entry requirements or be unwelcome to strangers. Others may require tolls or bribes to enter. Certain factions hostile to the Adventurers may be of import or governing a town and the Adventurers may need to sneak in.
Whenever Adventurers enter a town, they will usually be met with some sort of encounter or scenario. Even common activities are rarely boring for those Entangled by Fate.
Entangled by Fate
Whenever Adventurers enter a town, they will usually be met with some sort of incident. The characters are caught in the tapestry of fate and so they are far more likely to be met by unusual events both good and bad. The more the characters rely on Fate to help them, the more they are entangled by fate and have noteworthy events occur around them.
These events are typically quite minor in nature, and usually serve to ensure that few Settlement Entrances are mundane or uninteresting, but may also lead to other story hooks or adventures.
— Determining Entanglement
Roll a die for each Fate Point used since they last entered a town.
- Pick the most common number(the Mode).
- If there is a tie, you may choose a tie-breaker or apply all.
- If there are no multiples, the event is neither fortunate nor misfortunate.
- Example Events
- Meet an old Rival or an old Acquaintance
- See thugs harassing an unarmed civilian.
- Discover somebody who was wounded or killed.
- Find something of value.
- Find something missing or have it robbed.
- Make progress on one of your goals.
- Encounter criminals or Enemies.
Mode | Result |
1 | Great Misfortune |
2 3 |
Misfortune |
4 5 |
Fortune |
6 | Great Fortune |
Supplies and Equipment
Upon entering a Settlement, Characters are usually able to resupply their Equipment Packs and any food or other supplies they may have used. Purchasing or repairing equipment requires somebody with the correct Skills and Tools to be found and might not be available in every Settlement.
In town, the party will usually try to meet up with their Allies. These Allies might be able to help them with supplies or services, but it’s usually a good idea to check up on Allies anyway. It's nice to be nice. Skilled Allies may be able to help with more serious issues, but any Allies may be able to help the Party by giving a place to stay, a hot meal, or simple assistance.
Acquaintances are people that members of the party have dealt with in the past, though they may not have maintained a close relationship with. These are people they might be able to find to assist them in some manner, such as when their services may be required once more, but are not reliable or particularly friendly. They may be past employers or hired help, or simply somebody they have encountered previously.
Sometimes, people don’t get along. When a party enters a town, they may encounter one or more of their Rivals. These are people that are not outwardly hostile towards the main group, but may result in a Social Encounter and these Rivals will often be competing for certain goals or resources. They may even sway Acquaintances or important individuals away from dealing with the party.
Sometimes, the party makes a powerful or tenacious enemy. This is a person or group that will seek the demise or disgrace of the party and work towards this. The party may encounter agents from this enemy when they enter certain settlements. Particularly powerful enemies may even be in control of certain towns or cities, and may put in efforts to have the party expelled.
Certain Party Members may even have family that can assist the group. While immediate relatives such as parents or siblings are likely to be Allies, they may fall into any group, even Enemies. If a party member is in their home town and their family still lives there, they should probably visit them. Mothers tend to worry.
If a party member has a family of their own, such as a spouse and/or children, these would also likely require spending time with and should be visited whenever possible or the character may face life in the doghouse.
Typical Locations
Taverns are a good location for Adventurers to rest, but may also be used to find information, listen to rumours, meet with people, hire individuals, or make shady dealings.
Smithies are good for Adventurers to buy, repair, and maybe even sell Weapons and Armour.
Markets are ideal for buying and selling both items and information. Money traders and lenders might also be found here.
Notice Board
Notice boards are the main place for Adventurers to find jobs and quests, or to post notices with requests of their own.
Docks are mainly used for travel and trading, but are also great sources of information, hirelings, shady characters, and illicit services.
Forts refer to any guard post or defensive location. These may be used by Adventurers for defence, supply stockpiles, holding cells, or infirmaries. The ruling seat for the settlement might also be found here.
Libraries can be rare but are often very useful for gathering certain kinds of information. These might be the houses of educated individuals and may also serve as alchemists, healers, or magic-users.
Downtime is when a Party returns to a Settlement but does not have any active quests or activities within that Settlement. They may be seeking supplies or waiting for time to pass. While Downtime is an important part of Adventuring, it is far less exciting and so there are some additional rules below to help pass the time between Grand Adventures.
Available Resources
During Downtime, Adventurers will need somewhere to live. If they have Allies, such as Family, they might be able to stay with them, but otherwise they may need to spend Finance Points on accommodation and sustenance.
Trades or Skills
Characters with trades or skills may work during their downtime. This might mean they gain Finance Points, equipment for the party, or other resources. Characters with appropriate skills may create equipment such as Potions, Weapons, or Armour. Depending on supply cost, creating these might still cost Finance Points.
Extended Stays
Adventurers may be encouraged to stay within a Settlement for an extended duration due to the Season, harsh weather, or other world events. When this is the case, you may organise what the Party and each of the Characters do during the duration, or you may skip it altogether. This should be agreed upon by the Players and GM.
Additional Encounters
Extended Downtime in a Settlement may involve additional Encounters, similar to those upon Entering the Settlement. This is up to the GM or may be rolled for.
Certain areas are much safer or more dangerous during the various seasons. Certain enemies may be more active in the summer or hibernate during the winter. When this is the case, a party may decide to stay in a settlement for this season. If this is the case, the party should determine what each person is doing during this time as well as dealing with other matters such as paying for lodging during this time. They may also work on certain skills or trades during this time to assist them with certain Skill Checks.
The Summertime is usually the most active time for most creatures. The weather is often more clear, though there may be storm or rainy seasons. Many warlords or monsters might begin their excursions or invasions so they have more time before Winter. This season is often the default for adventures.
The Autumn Harvest often causes increased activity in many Settlements as they prepare for the Winter. During this time, Adventurers are in demand to protect labourers from monsters and perform tasks before the weather gets too bad. Food stores might be raided and areas might be invaded as both people and monsters seek shelter for the Winter.
The Calm of Winter can be dangerous as resources run low. Little food can be found in winter, and the weather means that Adventuring is more difficult. Thankfully, monsters and other threats are often idle as they too take refuge from the cold. However, certain creatures may cause trouble if they are starving or seeking to take Advantage of the Calm. Harsh weather might also cause issues that require the Adventurer's attention.
The Spring Thaw is often a time of activity as creatures wake from their slumbers and Settlements get back to work. Adventurers may be required to clear monsters or bandits from where they settled over the Winter. Floods from rains and thawing ice might cause issues or may even uncover secrets.