Characters are only able to carry a certain amount before it inhibits their movement and other abilities and causes problems. This can be caused by either the weight or size of the objects carried.
In order to simplify everything, Characters are only allowed to carry a limited number of items before they become Encumbered. Characters who are Encumbered gain Disadvantage on all rolls.
Encumbrance Limit:
- Two Weapons
- One Armour
- One Equipment Pack
- One other Item
- Can be a Weapon, Shield, Equipment Pack, additional Armour, Treasure, or something else.
Oils, Bombs, Potions, and Poisons should each be carried in an Equipment Pack.
Certain items, such as a coin pouch, Ammunition, or Small Weapons do not count against the Encumbrance Limit.
A bundle of Thrown Weapons should only count as one Weapon for the purpose of Encumbrance.
— "...But Daddy I want more!"
As per The Golden Rule, Players may also agree upon different Encumbrance Limits if they wish. The limits above are intended to encourage players to make more conscious decisions about what they bring, rather than simply taking as much as they can. Adventurers should also be encouraged to retrieve valuable items rather than taking everything they can.
Pending GM permission, players may swap slots, such as having 3 Equipment Packs instead of any Weapons.
Equipment Damage
Weapons and other Equipment may become damaged or broken during the course of a campaign. This may be due to general use, magic, enemy attacks, or various other reasons.
Equipment that is Damaged may gain Disadvantage on Rolls, and Equipment that is Broken might not be usable at all until it is repaired.
Repairing Equipment
Most equipment can be repaired at a Settlement. Certain things, like Armour, are expected to take damage and can be repaired after a fight using Armour Repair Kits.
Equipment Summary
Below is just a summary. Additional information may be found in Equipment - Weapons, Equipment - Armour, or Equipment - Other.