Crossroads SF
Paths - Physical
Using Physical Skills
Physical Skills usually require the character to have certain types of Equipment, such as Weapons or Armour. Most Skills are unable to be used if the Character is afflicted by certain Conditions, or is Out of Action.
Required Equipment
Certain skills often involve using weapons, armour, or other equipment. Unsurprisingly, these are required to perform the skill, though some skills may not require any equipment, or may be done with improvised equipment. Some skills may be performed with similar equipment, however.
Whether or not a Skill can be performed without the expected Equipment is usually up to the GM.
Range and Duration
All ranges will be given in rough approximations. These are defined below, though these may be changed if you wish. A rough rule is that each range is double the previous range.
Physical Skills may sometimes be used up to one increment above their range, but receive d1 on any Attack or Damage Rolls. If used at shorter ranges, they might also receive d1 on Attack or Damage Rolls.
Range | |
Touch | physically touching |
Immediate | less than 1 metre |
Adjacent | up to 2 metres |
Close | up to 5 metres |
Short | up to 10 metres |
Medium | up to 20 metres |
Long | up to 40 metres |
Very Long | up to 80 metres |
Radius | |
Personal | less than 1 metre radius |
Small | up to 2 metre radius |
Medium | up to 5 metre radius |
Large | up to 10 metre radius |
Very Large | up to 20 metre radius |
All durations will be given in rough approximations. These are defined below, though these may be changed if you wish. You may also allow certain factors such as environment or character attributes such as [P] affect the duration.
Certain spells or abilities may be refreshed in order to last longer, or require concentration instead of being given a set duration. For many spells the duration is not important and may be automatically refreshed, and the duration will represent how long the spell will last without any attention.
Duration | |
Short | until end of encounter |
Medium | about 10 minutes |
Long | about an hour |
Very Long | a few hours |
Day | until the following dawn |
Night | until dawn |
Daytime | until dusk |
Physical Skills
Weapon Families
Path of One-Handed Fighting
- Trait
- One-handed Weapon Skill
- Able to draw a one-handed weapon as part of a Charge Action.
- First Step
- Technique
- Gain an effect based off of your weapon damage type
- Sharp – Slash
- May add D to Sharp Damage Rolls.
- This bonus damage is reduced to 0 if the target uses AV to absorb the attack.
- Blunt – Bash
- Damage rolls with blunt weapons may gain a1 on damage rolls if the opponent uses AV to absorb the attack.
- Puncturing – Precision
- Puncturing Damage Rolls gain Piercing D.
- Improved One-handed Weapon Skill
- Your Weapon Skill with One-handed Weapons is 1.
- Second Step
- Greater Technique
- Gain an ability based off of your weapon damage type
- Sharp – Bleed
- Damage rolls with sharp weapons may gain d1 but inflict a Bleed on the target.
- Targets immune to Bleed are immune to this effect.
- Bleeding lasts until the wound is bound or healed.
- Blunt – Daze
- Attacks with blunt weapons may stun instead of dealing damage.
- [B] vs [T]
- Puncturing – Backstab
- Gain a1 on Damage Rolls if the target is vulnerable or distracted.
- Greater One-handed Weapon Skill
- Increase your Weapon Skill with One-handed Weapons by 1.
- Third Step
- Elite Technique
- Sharp – Sever
- Take d1 on Attack Roll to disable an opponent’s limb with a slashing attack.
- Target limb may not be used.
- Targets immune to bleed are immune to this effect.
- Vs [T]
- Blunt – Crush
- Targets of your attacks may have their equipment damaged, reducing their AV by A or SV by 1.
- Puncturing – Find Weak Spot
- Take d1 on Attack Roll to gain a1 on Puncturing Damage Rolls.
- Elite One-handed Weapon Skill
- Further increase your Weapon Skill with One-handed Weapons by 1.
Path of Shooting
- Trait
- Shooting Weapon Skill
- May reload a weapon as part of an Attack Action with that weapon.
- May not be used with Quick Attack Actions.
- Counts as a single reload action.
- First Step
- Aim
- Spend an action aiming to gain a1 on your next Attack Roll.
- Bonus is lost if any other action is performed before the attack.
- May not be used with Quick Attack Actions.
- Improved Shooting Weapon Skill
- Your Weapon Skill with Shooting Weapons is 1.
- Second Step
- Deadly Shot
- May opt to take d1 on the Attack Roll to gain a1 on damage.
- May not be used with Quick Attack Actions.
- Greater Shooting Weapon Skill
- Increase your Weapon Skill with Shooting Weapons by 1.
- Third Step
- Quick Shot
- Reduce the RV of any weapon you use by 1.
- Quick Attack Actions with shooting weapons no longer have the d1 modifier on Attack Rolls.
- Improved Aim
- May Aim as part of an Attack Action if the Weapon is already loaded.
- May not be used with Quick Attack Actions.
- Elite Shooting Weapon Skill
- Further increase your Weapon Skill with Shooting Weapons by 1.
Path of Striking
- Trait
- Unarmed Fighter
- Able to add Weapon Skill to attacks with unarmed Strikes and Battle Gloves.
- Possible to deal damage with both hands on a Great Success result.
- First Step
- Armed and Deadly
- Hands count as weapons for the purpose of other skills or abilities.
- Can make Parry Avoidance Rolls without other weapons.
- Able to cause lethal damage with Unarmed Strikes.
- Previously: Unarmed Strikes deal non-lethal damage and do not count as weapons.
- Improved Unarmed Fighter
- Your Weapon Skill with Unarmed Strikes or Battle Gloves is 1.
- Second Step
- Uppercut
- [B] vs [T]
- Incapacitate target.
- Greater Unarmed Fighter
- Increase your Weapon Skill with Unarmed Strikes or Battle Gloves by 1.
- Able to deal damage with both hands on a Success result.
- Third Step
- Haymaker
- Make a single heavy punch that gains a1 on damage.
Slow: Opponents gain a1 on dodge attempts - Gain d1 on Attack Avoidance rolls until your next turn.
- Elite Unarmed Fighter
- Further increase your Weapon Skill with Unarmed Strikes or Battle Gloves by 1.
Path of Throwing
- Trait
- Thrown Weapon Skill
- Able to use any Ranged Skills with Thrown Weapons.
- First Step
- Quick Draw
- You may draw a Thrown Weapon as part of an Attack Action.
- Improved Thrown Weapon Skill
- Your Weapon Skill with Thrown Weapons is 1.
- Second Step
- Quick Throw
- Quick Attacks with Thrown Weapons no longer have the d1 modifier on Attack Rolls.
- Greater Thrown Weapon Skill
- Increase your Weapon Skill with Thrown Weapons by 1.
- Thrown Weapons now have Short Range instead of Close Range.
- Third Step
- Quick Hands
- May throw a weapon with each hand but gain d1 on the Attack Roll.
- Gain a1 when hiding Daggers and other Thrown Weapons.
- Deadly Throw
- May opt to take d1 on the Attack Roll to double either [B] or [C] on damage.
- May not be used with Quick Attack Actions.
- Elite Thrown Weapon Skill
- Further increase your Weapon Skill with Thrown Weapons by 1.
- Thrown Weapon Skills may be used when using improvised throwing weapons.
Path of Two-Handed Fighting
- Trait
- Two-handed Weapon Skills
- Able to Parry with certain Two-handed Weapons.
- First Step
- Pommel Strike
- Instead of using the main part of the weapon, the fighter lashes out with the pommel of their weapon, staggering their opponent.
- Gain a1 on your Attack Roll.
- Attack deals no damage, but the target is Disoriented
- [B] vs. [T]
- Improved Two-handed Weapon Skill
- Your Weapon Skill with Two-handed Weapons is 1.
- Second Step
- Power Strike
- Put additional force behind your swing
- Gain d1 on your Attack Roll to gain a1 on your Damage Roll
- Requires a Two-handed Weapon
- Unable to make any Avoidance Rolls until your following turn.
- Improved Pommel Strike
- Successful Pommel Strikes may also deal D blunt damage
- Greater Two-handed Weapon Skill
- Increase your Weapon Skill with Two-handed Weapons by 1.
- Third Step
- Cleave
- Make a single attack against two adjacent enemies
- Each opponent gets an Avoidance Roll.
- Use the same Attack Roll for each target.
- Unable to make any Avoidance Rolls until your following turn.
- Greater Pommel Strike
- When an attack is a Compensating Failure, you may decide to Pommel Strike instead of receiving another advantage.
- The Pommel Strike hits automatically, but deals no damage and you gain no other advantage.
- Elite Two-handed Weapon Skill
- Further increase your Weapon Skill with Two-handed Weapons by 1.
Weapon Families
Path of Duelling
- Trait
- Main Gauche
- Able to fight with a dagger in your off-hand.
- Non-dominant hand.
- First Step
- Supporting Weapon
- Off-hand Weapon may be used for Offence or Defence.
- Offence
- Gain a1 on Attack Rolls.
- Defence
- Gain a1 on Parry Avoidance Rolls.
- May be changed on the Character's turn.
- Must choose before attacking.
- Second Step
- Off-hand Strike
- Attack suddenly with your off-hand weapon instead of your Primary Weapon.
- Opponent gains d1 on any Avoidance Rolls.
- Deal D damage without any additional modifiers.
- Third Step
- Two-Pronged
- Fully utilise your off-hand weapon for Offence or Defence.
- Offence
- When an attack Result is a Compensating Failure, you may decide to Off-hand Strike instead of receiving another advantage.
- The attack hits automatically, but gains no other advantage.
- Defence
- Deal damage with your off-hand weapon when an opponent’s Attack Roll is reduced to a Failure by your Parry Avoidance Roll.
- Improved Main Gauche
- Able to fight with a light blade in your off-hand.
- May treat either hand as your off-hand or main-hand.
Path of Shielding
- Trait
- Shield Expertise
- Defensive Stance causes Attack Rolls to only gain d1 when Blocking.
- Previously: Defensive Stance causes Attack Rolls to gain d2
- First Step
- Shieldwall
- Gain a1 on Block Avoidance Rolls if you are beside Blocking Allies
- Allies must be within Immediate Range
- Allies must also be able to block the attack.
- Improved Shield Expertise
- Reduce Armour Penalties for Medium Shields by 1.
- Second Step
- Shield Bash
- Attack an enemy with your shield instead of your weapon.
- Can be used to Strike or to Push them back.
- You are unable to Block until your next turn if either ability is used.
- Strike
- Deal D blunt damage.
- Target is Dazed and loses one action in their next turn.
- [B] vs. [T] resist
- No modifiers may apply to this damage
- Push
- [B] vs [B]
- Move the enemy 2m in any direction away from you.
- Greater Shield Expertise
- Reduce Armour Penalties for Heavy Shields by 1.
- Third Step
- Shield Charge
- May make a Shield Bash attack in addition to a regular attack as part of a Charge Action.
- Indomitable
- May sacrifice one Action to gain an additional a1 on Block Avoidance Rolls.
- Improved Shield Bash
- No longer prevents blocking until your next turn.
- Strike:
- Add D to Shield Bash damage.
- Push:
- May add [B] to the distance moved by the target.
Path of Spellfighting
- Trait
- Spellfighter
- Able to cast a spell without dropping your guard.
- You usually fight with a weapon in one hand and a spell in the other.
- First Step
- Side-spell
- May cast a spell as part of an attack action.
- Gain d1 on both the Attack and Spell rolls.
- Spell must be First Step.
- Spell must not take more than one Action.
- Second Step
- Split Concentration
- May Attack or Parry without breaking Concentration.
- Gain d1 on these rolls
- Third Step
- Spell Defence
- Use Spell energies to dazzle opponents.
- May use [P] instead of Weapon Skill for Parry Avoidance Rolls.
- Improved Split Concentration
- No longer receive d1 for parrying while concentrating.
- May parry without breaking Total Concentration.
- Gain d2 on these Parry Avoidance Rolls
- Improved Side-spell
- No longer gain d1 on the attack and the spell if the spell is targeting yourself or your weapon.
- May cast spells up to Second Step.
Path of Duelling
- Trait
- Main Gauche
- Able to fight with a dagger in your off-hand.
- Non-dominant hand.
- First Step
- Supporting Weapon
- Off-hand Weapon may be used for Offence or Defence.
- Offence
- Gain a1 on Attack Rolls.
- Defence
- Gain a1 on Parry Avoidance Rolls.
- May be changed on the Character's turn.
- Must choose before attacking.
- Second Step
- Off-hand Strike
- Attack suddenly with your off-hand weapon instead of your Primary Weapon.
- Opponent gains d1 on any Avoidance Rolls.
- Deal D damage without any additional modifiers.
- Third Step
- Two-Pronged
- Fully utilise your off-hand weapon for Offence or Defence.
- Offence
- When an attack Result is a Compensating Failure, you may decide to Off-hand Strike instead of receiving another advantage.
- The attack hits automatically, but gains no other advantage.
- Defence
- Deal damage with your off-hand weapon when an opponent’s Attack Roll is reduced to a Failure by your Parry Avoidance Roll.
- Improved Main Gauche
- Able to fight with a light blade in your off-hand.
- May treat either hand as your off-hand or main-hand.
Path of Shielding
- Trait
- Shield Expertise
- Defensive Stance causes Attack Rolls to only gain d1 when Blocking.
- Previously: Defensive Stance causes Attack Rolls to gain d2
- First Step
- Shieldwall
- Gain a1 on Block Avoidance Rolls if you are beside Blocking Allies
- Allies must be within Immediate Range
- Allies must also be able to block the attack.
- Improved Shield Expertise
- Reduce Armour Penalties for Medium Shields by 1.
- Second Step
- Shield Bash
- Attack an enemy with your shield instead of your weapon.
- Can be used to Strike or to Push them back.
- You are unable to Block until your next turn if either ability is used.
- Strike
- Deal D blunt damage.
- Target is Dazed and loses one action in their next turn.
- [B] vs. [T] resist
- No modifiers may apply to this damage
- Push
- [B] vs [B]
- Move the enemy 2m in any direction away from you.
- Greater Shield Expertise
- Reduce Armour Penalties for Heavy Shields by 1.
- Third Step
- Shield Charge
- May make a Shield Bash attack in addition to a regular attack as part of a Charge Action.
- Indomitable
- May sacrifice one Action to gain an additional a1 on Block Avoidance Rolls.
- Improved Shield Bash
- No longer prevents blocking until your next turn.
- Strike:
- Add D to Shield Bash damage.
- Push:
- May add [B] to the distance moved by the target.
Path of Spellfighting
- Trait
- Spellfighter
- Able to cast a spell without dropping your guard.
- You usually fight with a weapon in one hand and a spell in the other.
- First Step
- Side-spell
- May cast a spell as part of an attack action.
- Gain d1 on both the Attack and Spell rolls.
- Spell must be First Step.
- Spell must not take more than one Action.
- Second Step
- Split Concentration
- May Attack or Parry without breaking Concentration.
- Gain d1 on these rolls
- Third Step
- Spell Defence
- Use Spell energies to dazzle opponents.
- May use [P] instead of Weapon Skill for Parry Avoidance Rolls.
- Improved Split Concentration
- No longer receive d1 for parrying while concentrating.
- May parry without breaking Total Concentration.
- Gain d2 on these Parry Avoidance Rolls
- Improved Side-spell
- No longer gain d1 on the attack and the spell if the spell is targeting yourself or your weapon.
- May cast spells up to Second Step.