Crossroads MVP

Getting Started

The Most Important Rules

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Golden Rule

The most important thing is to have fun. This rule trumps all others.

The rules are intended to facilitate play and to add constraints on your actions both with the intention of balancing the game to be fairer for all involved, as well as creating limits in order to test people’s abilities to work around them.

If any rule conflicts with the ability for all players to have fun, ignore it or change it.

All rules are written as pointers to play the game a certain way, but if you wish to play a different way, you should ignore any rule (pending the consent of other players).

An important caveat of this rule is to acknowledge that this rule is intended to ensure that all players are having fun. If one or more players are not having fun, a rule may need to be changed. This does not mean that you can change any rule you wish in order to make the game easier unless the other players agree. If changing a rule increases your fun at the expense of one or more others, you should take this into consideration. When divided over whether to change a rule or not, as each would affect fun of those involved, it may be safer to stick to the rules-as-written (RAW).

The GM is also a player and it is important to ensure that they are also having fun.

Common Sense Rule

If the rules conflict or don’t make sense, use your common sense.

If it shouldn’t be physically possible to do something, but the rules allow it, use your common sense to decide whether it should be done. Some things are impossible and the rules don’t detail them because it was felt it shouldn’t be necessary to do so. You have a brain. Use it.

Sometimes it may be more fun to do the impossible and ignore common sense, in which case The Golden Rule trumps this rule, but in most cases if there are conflicting or non-existing rules, just do what makes sense. There is no need to get overly technical but certain things such as using air or fire magic underwater should not be possible, though they may be allowed according to the Golden Rule. Alternatively, they may be handwaved through using bubbles or boiling water instead. You do you, boo.

Generally, if something makes no sense, don’t do it. If it makes sense but there are no rules, find something similar or make something up that sounds fair.

Playing Crossroads

Take a look at how the Crossroads Dice System works in section.

Start creating a character in the section.

Take a look at what characters can do in the and sections.

Take a look at the rules for Conflicts in the and sections.

Examples of Play

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Guy using skills to do something


Conflict with a Rival

Party enters a party in disguise. A rival spots them and asks how they got in. Characters can choose to reduce opponent Decorum or Standing.


A Dwarf and an Elf fight enemies in an alley:

GM: As you walk down the alleyway, a man steps out from behind some boxes ahead of you.
He's wearing a heavy studded jacket. He doesn't look friendly.
Elf: I hang back and put my hand on my dagger. This looks like a fight.
Dwarf: I step forward and square my shoulders, looking him straight in the eye.
I try to intimidate him using [B]rawn.
GM: Go ahead and roll. Tell me what you do.
Dwarf: I hold up a hand and speak sternly. "Nobody has to die today. Pretend you never saw us."
I rolled 9(432) plus 1 [B] means a 10. That's a Weak Hit.
GM: You look menacing but he has a crazy look in his eye. It doesn't look like it's working.
He forces a laugh and pulls a club from his belt. His mirth doesn't reach his eyes.
Both of you, what are your [P]erception values?
Dwarf: I have 0.
Elf: Mine is 2.
GM: Your keen elf ears hear movement behind you. This Thug isn't alone.
Elf: I wait until they sound close and then I spin around, Focus Charm ready to cast a spell.
GM: Okay. Because you started this fight, you get to act first.
Everyone else rolls to see how quickly they react.
What do you do first?
Elf: I spin around, ready to cast a spell at anyone threatening.
What do I see?
GM: There's a ruffian with daggers creeping up behind you. He has a leather jacket and a dangerous look in his eyes.
Elf: I want to use Entangling Roots to grab him. Can I see any wood or plants nearby?
GM: There is some ivy climbing up the walls on one side.
There are also wooden supports in the walls if you want to try to use those, but it would be harder.
Elf: I'm going to use the ivy to wrap around the ruffian. I rolled 12(651), plus 1. That's 13, a Hit.
GM: You get a Success. The ruffian is caught by surprise and ensnared.
Tell me what happens.
Elf: I wrap up his arms so he can't use his dagger. The vines wrap around his body and pin his arms tightly.
GM: Now the others roll. The enemy roll a 3, adding 1 [A]gility.
You need to beat a 4.
Dwarf: I rolled a 5. I go first.
I draw my axe and charge. I swing for his head to end this quickly.
GM: He looks surprised but raises his club to parry.
Dwarf: 532, so that's 10.
That's a Weak Hit.
GM: His parry is a Weak Hit, so you get a Partial Success.
You can choose to drive him back, or deal reduced damage.
Dwarf: I'll take the reduced damage. He parried my main swing but I use my free hand to punch him in the gut.
GM: His armour absorbs the hit, but he's thrown by the ferocity of your attack. His confidence from earlier is wavering.
It's his turn. He's going to back off, but take a swing at you as he does.
Dwarf: I'll parry with my axe, just like he did. My shield is stuck on my back.
GM: Go ahead and roll, but you have d1 on Defence Rolls because you charged.
Dwarf: 3221. d1 means you choose, so do I drop the 3 or the double?
GM: Take out the 3, but you can still re-roll one of them because it's a Change double.
Dwarf: I'll re-roll the 1.
I got a 5, so my total is 9. No change, it's still a Weak Hit.
GM: Another Partial Success.
You can choose. Either take D damage or drop the axe.
Dwarf: I need that axe so I'll choose the damage. My armour can take it. I'll mark A
GM: The other guy is a little tied up so he can't act.
We're in Team Turns now, you guys go first.
Elf: If he's tangled up, I want to draw my bow from my back. Does that take my whole turn?
GM: Yes, it's in your pack so it takes both of your actions to retrieve it.
Dwarf: Then I'm also going to draw my shield from my pack. The thug is backing away anyway.
GM: That's your team's turn. Now it's their turn.
The ruffian struggles with the vines and manages to cut his arms free, but his legs are still tangled.
The thug shouts and charges you as you're drawing your shield.
You can use your shield to block but you're not fully ready yet and will have d1.
Dwarf: Yeah, I'll try to quickly pull the shield and block the attack.
6633. I'll drop the 6 but I can re-roll a 3.
It's a 5 so 14 (653) plus 2 for my shield and that's 16. A Strong Hit!
GM: Oh nice. You block the hit and can even counterattack. What do you want to do?
Dwarf: I have a Shield Bash ability. Can I do that?
I'll parry his attack but then strike him with the shield, disorienting him. It also deals D.
GM: That's perfect. He is staggered by the blow. He's Disoriented and gets d1 on all rolls next turn.
Now it's your turn what do you guys want to do?
Elf: I'll shoot the bound ruffian.
GM: Okay, before rolling anything, what's the Dwarf doing?
Dwarf: I'm going to try to finish off the thug with a swing of my axe.
GM: You can both roll for your attacks and tell me what you do. The ruffian is still bound so you get a1 on your attack.
Elf: I'm going to go for a Deadly Shot. I get d1 on my Attack Roll but a1 on damage. I go straight for the throat.
I have a1 and d1 on the attack so they cancel, right?
I roll 9 (4,3,2) and add 2 [P]erception. That's a Hit!
GM: That's a Success! Tell me what happens.
Elf: I shoot an arrow right into his chest. My bow does DD but with a1, I'm going to make that into D D.
GM: His armour absorbs the D, but the D goes through, dealing some serious damage. Now back to the Dwarf. The thug is disoriented, so I'll give you a1 on your attack instead of giving him d1.
Dwarf: I'm going to swing at him again, trying to catch him while he's dazed. I rolled 5322.
If I drop the 2 it's 10... but if I drop the 3 I can re-roll with the double 2. I'm going to do that instead.
It's a 6! That means it's 13 (652) and a Hit. It deals D as I chop into his chest.
GM: Another Major Wound! It's their turn now and they've both taken serious damage and are showing their true colours as they both try to run.
The Thug turns tail, but the Ruffian is still trapped by the vines. He falls to the ground and tries to bargain for his life.
All enemies have stopped fighting, so the Combat ends. What do you want to do?
Dwarf: I'm going to let the Thug run. We have his friend and we can get answers from him.
Elf: I'll keep my bow trained on the Ruffian. We're going to ask him some questions...

Next Step

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For now, you can move on to the (click this link) section to learn the most basic mechanic.

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