Crossroads MVP


Following Paths

Paths and Steps

Each Path is divided into Steps. Each step grants a character access to certain Abilities or improves their existing Abilities. In order to follow a Path, a character should reach the First Step.

Advancing Paths

See for additional information.

Starting Character Points

Characters begin with a certain amount of Points in order to follow Paths and increase Statistics. This is set at the beginning of the campaign, depending on the intended difficulty. The basic start is to begin with 10 Character Points and 0 in each Statistic.

See for additional information and alternative starting values.


Traits are typically minor effects or Abilities that are granted to any character with a Step in a Path. These may be improved by Steps in that Path or may be necessary for the use of Abilities in that Path.

— Shortcuts

While characters should progress through each Step, pending GM approval, characters may be able to skip Steps in a Path.

This may allow a character to reach the Second or Third Step without buying the previous steps. This does not grant them Abilities from previous Steps or any Improved Abilities involving Steps they haven't reached. Any Requirements must still be met.

This is an optional rule.

Paths Summary

Below is just a summary. Additional information may be found in or .

Go to for the full rules for using Physical Abilities.

Go to for the full rules for using Magical Abilities.

Character Points Example:

Bob decides that he wants his Elf Ranger to use a bow and nature magic.

Starting with 10 points, he spends 1 point to reach the First Step of the Path of Shooting.
Next, he goes for the Second Step of the Path of Nature.
This costs 1 point for the First Step, and 2 points for the Second Step, leaving Bob with 6 points remaining.

Bob decides to spend the rest of the points on his Statistics, focusing on his Elf's [P]erception and [A]gility because the Elf needed these when hunting in the forest near his village.

Bob spends 1 point bringing the Elf's [A] from 0 to 1.
He spends 3 points bringing the Elf's [P] from 0 to 1, and another 2 points to bring their [P] from 1 to 2.
Bob spends the last 2 points increasing [W] and [K] from 0 to 1.
[W] will help with spellcasting, and [K] will help the Elf use their Background skills.

Next Step

After Paths, you can move on to the section.

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