Crossroads MVP

Character Creation

Creating a Character

Creating a Character can be completed in a few simple steps.

Create a concept for your character. Decide what kind of character you want to play as and how you will achieve this.

As the options available to a character can be quite broad, it’s good to have an idea of what you want before you start.



Choose what species your character will be. This will affect their starting Secondary Statistics, their maximum Statistics, and may affect how people treat them as they adventure.

This is explained further in the section.


Choose your character background. Who your character was before this adventure started. This may affect their starting Skills or Statistics, as well as determining what the character is likely to know.

This is explained further in the section.

4. and

Choose what Paths your character will follow. Spend Character Points on Paths or Statistics.

Characters may start with any number of Character Points, but the typical starting number is 10.

This is explained further in the and sections. Earning and Spending Character Points is explained further in the section.


Choose the goals for your character. These will help give your character personality and objectives of their own. These may also be used for earning Character Points.

Goals are explained further in the section of page.


Choose what equipment your character will have, including weapons, armour, and Equipment Packs.

This is explained further in the section.

Character Concept

Begin by making a concept for your character.

This should be a short description of who they are, what they are from, and why they are in the Campaign. After that, you can work on Personality, Beliefs, and Motivation.

Concept Example:

Bob decides that he wants his character to be an Elf Ranger, who fights with the power of nature.

After growing up in a poor, rural village, the Elf set off to become a great adventurer and return to the village one day with riches and enough power to keep them safe from encroaching dangers and cruel local nobility.


Pick a word or two that characters would use to describe your Character at first glance. This can help with visualising your character, as well as letting other characters describe your character if required.

You should try to pick both Positive and Negative.

Example Appearances


Pick a few words that you think others might use to describe your character. You can keep these in mind if you're ever unsure of how your character might act.

You should try to pick both Good and Bad.

Example Personality Traits

Personality Example:

Bob decides that he wants his character to be Determined, but also Short-sighted.

His character works hard to achieve their goals, but sometimes their plan isn't very well thought out...


You should pick one or two core beliefs for your character. These should be summarised in a single sentence, but should help to understand how the character sees the world. You may pick a famous quote if you wish.

Players and the GM will then agree a set action that they can perform to align with these beliefs.

When a character acts according to their Beliefs through great effort or cost to themselves, they refresh a Fate Die.

Fate Die are explained further in the section.

Example Beliefs

Belief Example:

Bob decides that he wants his character to believe Power belongs to the people.

After seeing the corrupt actions of the nobility, his character seeks to return the power back to the people.

If the Elf ever acts in a way that returns power from the few to the many, they refresh a Fate Die.


Why are you here? Why are you doing all of this?

While this Character Element will often have little gameplay effect, it's very important to think about this when making your character. Even if it's not public knowledge, such as a Secret, it's important to have some sort of motivation for your character that ties into their .

This may simply be a character's .

Motivation Example:

Bob decides that his character is working to bring a better life to their village. The money they earn will be sent to the village, and they will return one day to protect the village from the many dangers.

Next Step

After Character Concept, you can move on to the section.

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