Crossroads MVP
Casting Magic
Casting Magic usually requires the character to have a free hand and/or to be able to speak. If a caster is bound, they are not able to cast magic, though some GMs may allow Unstable Magic.
Most magic is performed at the whim of higher beings and so effort should be made to retain favour from these beings. These powers may be temporarily or even permenently revoked under certain circumstances, though this should only be agreed upon by all players.
Focus Charm
Casters usually require a Focus Charm. A Focus Charm is the device that the caster uses to focus the mana into a spell. This may take many forms, though it is usually a small trinket such as an amulet or a ring. Each school of magic would require its own focus, so a caster may have many charms. Most spells are cast from either the caster’s hands or Focus Charm. If a focus is lost or stolen, a new one can be made with the correct supplies and a large amount of time in order to attune the item.
In gameplay terms, this rarely comes into effect unless the Focus Charm is lost or stolen. Focus Charms will usually be taken from Casters any time that Weapons would be taken, such as when captured or meeting important individuals. Certain spells or items may be used to detect Focus Charms.
Certain spells require Concentration or Total Concentration. Casters must spend some or all of their turn to maintain concentration, and certain actions may interrupt or break concentration.
See Lists - Concentration for more information.
"Does X count as Y?"
Many spells affect certain materials or targets. If there is ever any doubt as to whether a certain target is affected, this should be agreed upon by all players. The Path of Water can affect other liquids, but whether it affects a specific liquid is up to the GM. Similarly, The Path of Earth may or may not affect certain stones or stone-like materials.
These magical effects are all based upon the whims of higher beings and so this is not fully under the realm of science and real-world logic.
As always, The Most Important Rules should always be followed first.
— Trivial Magic
Sometimes, a character may want to use magic in a way that's not detailed here. For example, they may wish to summon magic to intimidate, or use magic to assist them with another task.
In these situations, you may treat this Action as a Skill Roll using [W]. As with most rules, this should be agreed upon with the GM and other players.
Range and Duration
All ranges will be given in rough approximations. These are defined below, though these may be changed if you wish. A rough rule is that each range is double the previous range.
Targeted spells may sometimes be used outside of their regular range, though they receive d1. For each range they exceed, the difficulty increases exponentially. (d1, d2, d4 etc.)
All durations will be given in rough approximations. These are defined below, though these may be changed if you wish. You may also allow certain factors such as environment or character attributes such as [W] affect the duration.
Certain spells or abilities may be refreshed in order to last longer, or require Concentration instead of being given a set duration. For many spells the duration is not important and may be automatically refreshed, and the duration will represent how long the spell will last without any attention.
Duration |
Short |
until end of encounter |
Medium |
about 10 minutes |
Long |
about an hour |
Very Long |
a few hours |
Day |
until the following dawn |
Night |
until dawn |
Daytime |
until dusk |
Magical Skills
Divine Magic
Path of the Light
- Requirement:
- Receive the Blessing of the Light
- Trait
- Summon Light
- Summon an orb of light or cause an item to glow.
- Light shines as bright as a torch.
- Requires Concentration if not touching the object.
- First Step
- Bolt of Light
- Purify foes with a blast of holy light!
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; holy |
- Power of the Light
- Able to use Light magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
holy |
◼ |
Mending: |
HH |
◼ |
Barrier: |
BB, Absorbs D damage. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
All |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
All |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Second Step
- Beacon
- Become a beacon of the light, spreading warmth to allies and blinding enemies.
- Blind
- Only on initial cast.
- — Resist Roll: Roll [w] vs. [b]
- Targets looking at the caster are Blind
- Warmth
- Requires Concentration.
- Grants allies a1 on Resist Avoidance Rolls using [B] or [W].
- Pauses the effects of Bleed or Poison.
- Third Step
- Holy Vessel
- Become a Vessel of the light's will.
- Eyes glow brightly, skin glows, voice echoes, and hover slightly, light as a feather.
- Effects:
- Gain Augment (holy) on all attacks.
- Gain a1 on all holy spell damage or healing.
- Remove all Conditions for duration.
- Hover slightly and fall slowly.
- Beacon no longer requires Concentration for duration.
- Afterwards:
- Knocked Unconscious for a Medium duration.
- Physically and Mentally Exhausted.
- Faint memory of events.
Path of the Shadow
- Requirement:
- Trait
- Shadows Gambit.
- Gain a1 or d1 on a Skill Roll.
- Roll an extra die on your roll but before rolling, call whether the extra die will be odd or even.
- If you are correct, treat the roll as having been a1
- If you are incorrect, treat the roll as having been d1
- First Step
- Shadow Bolt
- Blast your foes with shadowy power!
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; shadow |
- Shadowy Essence
- Able to use Shadow magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
shadow |
◼ |
Mending: |
HH |
◼ |
Barrier: |
B, Absorbs D damage. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
All |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
All |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Second Step
- Shadowy Empowerment
- Boost [B], [A], or [D] by 1
- (Or else) Gain a Temporary Fate Die?
- Afterwards:
- Physically Fatigued for a Medium Duration
- Greater Shadow Bolt
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
D, a1; shadow |
- Third Step
- Avatar of Shadow
- Become an avatar of shadow, turning purple and slightly incorporeal.
- Effects:
- Gain d1 on all incoming physical damage
- Add 1 to all Physical Statistics
- Afterwards
Path of Nature
- Requirement:
- Trait:
- Natural Power:
- Gain modifiers to spellcasting based upon nearby plant life:
- Gain d1 when there is no plant life (e.g. Desert, Wasteland)
- Gain a1 for abundant plant life (e.g. Forest, Swamp)
- Only affects Path of Nature Spells and Magic Styles using the Path of Nature.
- First Step
- Boost Growth
- Cause plants to grow more quickly.
- Weeks become minutes, Years become hours
- Nature's Blessing
- Able to use Nature magic for other skills
◼ |
Augment: |
non-lethal |
◼ |
Mending: |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
All |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Barkskin
- Second Step
- Natural Empathy
- Able to understand nature.
- Cannot communicate fully, but able to understand the “emotions” and surface “thoughts” of nearby plant life.
- Control Plants
- Manipulate living plants.
- Can cause bloom or seasonal change.
- Can be used to manipulate plant creatures.
- — Resist Roll: Roll [W] vs. [W]
- Immune to difficult terrain from plants.
- Entangling Roots
- Summon roots or vines to entangle foes.
- Requires nearby plant life (Alive or Dead)
- Can use any sizable wooden object
- Entangle up to [W] targets with vines or roots.
- Targets are Bound.
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B] or [A]
- Improved Boost Growth
- Boost Growth can affect dead plant matter and temporarily imbue it with new life.
- Third Step
- Life sense
- Can sense through plants.
- May utilise chain of plants through roots.
- Can use an entire forest or dense ecosystem.
- Very Long Distance per turn
- Limited senses.
- Touch or Smell.
- Can hear noise but not understand language.
- Nature's Grasp
- Summon roots or plants to attack foes.
- Requires nearby plant life (Alive or Dead)
- Can use any sizable wooden object
- Gain a1 if the plantlife has thorns or poison
- Affects all foes the area
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B] or [A]
- Requires Concentration to maintain effect.
- Improved Barkskin
Profane Magic
Path of the Arcane
- Requirement:
- Understand the mysteries of the Arcane
- Trait:
- Spellsteal
- Turn the power of your enemy's spells against them.
- Triggers if you have been affected by a spell.
- This cannot trigger from Profane Magic.
- Gain +1 on your next casting attempt
- Or until you attempt to cast a spell.
- First Step
- Arcane Bolt
- Fire a bolt of pure arcane energy!
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; arcane |
- Thief of the Arcane
- Able to use Arcane magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
arcane |
◼ |
Mending: |
H |
◼ |
Barrier: |
B, Absorbs D damage and grants Resist Magic |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
All |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
All |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Second Step
- Arcane Ward
- Ward a target against incoming magic.
- Target gains Resist Magic.
- Enemies gain d1 to all spells and spell effects affecting target.
- Only [W] wards at a time
- Requires Concentration
- Drain Mana
- Drain power from a target
- — Resist Roll: Roll [W] vs. [W]
- Loser becomes Weakened.
- Winner gains a1 on Spell Rolls.
- Improved Spellsteal
- Spells affecting your Arcane Ward target will trigger your Spellsteal.
- This still cannot trigger from Profane Magic.
- Third Step
- Ring of Power
- Create a Ring of a Small Radius that alters the magic within.
- Attune to Positive or Negative arcane power
- Positive
- All spells cast by those within or upon those within gain a1.
- Negative
- All spells cast by those within or upon those within gain d1.
- Requires a few minutes to draw.
- Arcane Ward has no effect within the Ring of Power
- Greater Spellsteal
- May gain up to +2 from Spellsteal.
- Spellsteal can trigger if anybody within a Close Range casts a spell.
- This still cannot trigger from Profane Magic.
Path of the Void
- Requirement:
- Lose yourself to the Void
- Trait
- Tainted
- Of no interest to Demons or other similar soul-devouring creatures.
- First Step
- Void Slash
- Use the power of the void to lash at your foes!
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
D; void |
- Void Tear
- Increase Void Slash damage if target is within Close Range of a Void Tear.
- Range may be measured from the Void Tear.
- Power of the Void
- Able to use Void magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
Attacks ignore A, void |
◼ |
Barrier: |
Grants d1 to [w] incoming attacks each turn. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
Weapons and Mount |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Second Step
- Horrors of the Void
- Assail both the target's Mind and Body with the horrors of the void
- Requires Concentration
- Mind
- The targets mind is filled with visions of the horrors within the
void and the atrocities those creatures have committed.
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [W]
- See the Insanity Table
- Target gains d1 if they are within Close Range of a Void Tear
- Body
- Appendages from the void reach out to grasp at the foe and force them into the void.
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B] or [A]
- See the Binding Table
- Gain a1 if target is within Close Range of a Void Tear, and the appendages will drag the snared targets towards the Tear.
- Improved Tainted
- Character is immune to Insanity.
- Third Step
- Void Tear
- Open a Rift to the void.
- Rift appears in selected area.
- D void damage each turn to anything touching the rift.
- Damage ignores AV and any other modifiers.
- Destroys objects and limbs.
- Grants a1 to all void-based spells cast within medium range.
- Requires Concentration.
- May draw attention of Demons.
- On either side of the tear...
Primal Magic
On realism of Elements:
Although each element is magic, they are not “magic” in that they no longer obey the laws of physics. These elements are summoned through the use of magic but otherwise act normally through the laws of physics. This means that air, electricity, or fire cannot be used underwater, and that ice and water magic require the use of existing water. Earth also requires the use of earth, sand, clay, stone, or another similar substance in the appropriate quantities.
These rules are optional however, and may be overruled by the The Most Important Rule if you so wish.
Path of Earth
- Requirement:
- Return to the Earthmother
- Trait:
- Earthsense
- Gain a1 When navigating underground.
- Gain a1 When climbing earth or stone.
- First Step
- Stone Shot
- Blast a stone at your foes!
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; blunt, Impact |
- Earthen power
- Able to use Earth magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
Change to blunt, sharp, or puncturing |
◼ |
Mending: |
HH |
◼ |
Barrier: |
Gain block (SV1) or gain a1 on Block Avoidance Rolls. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
All |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
Missiles |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Stoneskin
- Gain temporary H
- Reduce [A] by 1.
- Second Step
- Read Earth
- Detect movement on stone or earth
- Sense direction and number at Long Range
- Sense location and weight at Medium Range
- Discern details at Close Range
- Works through walls
- Control Earth
- Form Earth and stone
- Transform stone into earth/sand or vice-versa
- Transform [W] metres cubed per round.
- Shatter Stone
◼ |
Destroy walls or harm stone-based entities. |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD |
◼ |
Range: |
Touch |
- Improved Earthense
- Character is immune to difficult terrain from earth, such as rocky footing or mud.
- Third Step
- Unmoving
- Grants a1 on [W] and [B] tests to not move or act.
- Rockform
- Turn into Living stone.
- Effects:
- Gain temporary H equal to [W]
- Gain [B] equal to [W]
- Weigh many times more
- Unable to swim. Sink immediately.
- Much harder to be moved, carried, or grappled.
- Afterwards:
Path of Flame
- Requirement:
- Trait:
- Spark
- Light a flame at the snap of a finger
- Summon a Small candle-sized flame that can be held in your hand.
- Emits Light and can be used to light flammable material.
- First Step
- Fire Bolt
- Send a bolt of fire to burn your foes!
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; fire |
- Inner Flame
- Able to use Fire magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
fire |
◼ |
Mending: |
H |
◼ |
Barrier: |
Grants Resist Frost and casts light in a Small Radius. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
Weapons |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
All |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Second Step
- Ignite
◼ |
Set a target aflame. |
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
- Deal D to a target every round.
- Requires Concentration
- Third Step
- Control Fire
- Gain Mild Fire Immunity.
- Manipulate fire or cause it to Explode.
- Manipulate
- Shrink or grow existing flames.
- Instantly quench existing fire.
- Explode
- Targets within Close Range are Disoriented
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B]
- Targets within Close Range also take damage
- Targets within Long Melee Range take additional damage
- Effects are cumulative
Path of Frost
- Requirement:
- Trait:
- Inner Cool
- Immune to weather and most temperature effects.
- Immune to Chill.
- First Step
- Frost Blast
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
D; frost, Chill |
- Icicle
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; frost, puncturing |
- Requires Water
◼ |
Manipulation: |
Missiles |
- Frozen Core
- Able to use Frost magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
frost, Chill |
◼ |
Mending: |
H |
◼ |
Barrier: |
Resist Fire and all characters within Long Melee Range are affected by Chill. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
All |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
beam, stream |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Chill
- Gain d1 on Skill Rolls using [A].
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B]
- Effect is removed if target is affected by any fire spell or fire damage.
- Second Step
- Freeze in Place
- Encase the target in an Ice Trap
- Requires Water or freezable liquid
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [A] to avoid.
- Unavoidable if the target is wholly or partly submerged.
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B] to escape
- Target is Bound
- Ice Trap has HH, may be attacked, and will melt if the target is affected by any Fire spell or fire damage.
- Target is also affected by Chill.
- Ice Slick
- May expand radius by one size category each turn.
- Expanding requires Concentration
- Difficult terrain
- Roll [A] to avoid falling when moving faster than a Walk
- Improved Inner Cool
- Character is immune to difficult terrain from ice or snow.
- Third Step
- Control Ice
- Can freeze large amounts of water.
- Can use to walk on water.
- Can be used to create walls and bridges.
- Can Shatter existing ice.
- Can use [W] instead of [B] if object is frozen.
- Can use [W] instead of [A] when moving on ice.
- Greater Inner Cool
Path of the Storm
- Requirement:
- See through the Eye of the Storm.
- Trait
- Booming Voice
- Able to be heard from far away and through great noise.
- Read Weather
- Able to predict the weather for the day.
- First Step
- Electroshock
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; electric, Shock |
- Storm Conduit
- Able to use Storm magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
electric, Shock |
◼ |
Barrier: |
Shock characters in Long Melee Range. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
Mount |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
Stream |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Shock
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B]
- Targets are Stunned
- See Stun Table
- Effect may be removed if target is affected by any non-electric damage.
- Second Step
- Thunderclap
- Disorients nearby targets with a clap of thunder
- — Resist Roll: Roll vs. [B]
- Affected targets are Disoriented
- See Disorient Table
- Effect may be removed if target is affected by any non-electric damage.
- Stormcaller
- Create or remove a storm
- Requires Concentration
- Third Step
- Lightning Bolt
- Can be called from the Sky or Self
- Sky
◼ |
Range: |
Very Long |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD a1; electric |
- Requires a path from the sky.
- May break through small roofs or barriers.
- Might require a storm.
- Self
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
D a1; electric |
Path of Water
- Requirement:
- Wash away your impurities.
- Trait:
- Aquatic
- Gain a1 on swimming Skill Rolls
- May remove mild dampness from people or objects.
- First Step
- Water Whip
◼ |
Range: |
Close |
◼ |
Damage: |
DD; sharp |
- Requires Water or other liquid
- Aquamancy
- Able to use Water magic for other skills.
◼ |
Augment: |
Gain +1 on Parry Avoidance Rolls. |
◼ |
Mending: |
◼ |
Barrier: |
B, Absorbs D damage, grants Resist Fire and Electric, and is airtight. |
◼ |
Conjuring: |
Mount |
◼ |
Manipulation: |
Stream |
◼ |
Elemental: |
Yes |
- Requires Water or other liquid
- Second Step
- Water Mastery
- Manipulate Water up to [W] metres squared per round.
- May be used to Push enemies or as a Projectile
- Push
- — Resist Roll: Roll [W] vs. [B]
- Projectile
- No damage but drenches target in liquid
- May be used on liquids similar to water (blood, oil, acid)
- Improved Aquatic
- Immune to difficult terrain from water, such as swamps or moving water, or wet terrain.
- May use [W] instead of [B] in water.
- Third Step
- Purify water
- Detect and remove impurities from water.
- Tells of presence of non-water, and allows separation.
- [W] litres per round.
- Might not always be successful...
- Improved Water Mastery
- Pin targets with water or other liquids
- — Resist Roll: Roll Roll [W] vs. [A] to grab.
- Unavoidable if fully or partially submerged.
- — Resist Roll: Roll [W] vs. [B] to hold.
- Targets are Grappled
- May drown targets
- Requires Concentration
- Greater Aquatic
- Move at double speed in water.
- Able to walk on water or other liquids.
- Able to instantly dry anything and be untouched by rain or mist
Magic Styles
Magic Styles are ways to use Divine, Profane, or Primal magic for additional purposes.
Each style requires a Divine, Profane, or Primal magic to be used as a Base magic and changes effect depending on the magic used. The details of the effects may be found in the Divine, Profane, or Primal Path.
Path of Barriers using the following Paths:
Path of Light | Absorbs up to BB damage. |
Path of Flame | Grants Resist Frost and casts light in a Small Radius. |
Path of Mending
- First Step
- Mend
◼ |
Range: |
Touch |
◼ |
Duration: |
Medium |
- Mend a target
- H mends D and H mends D
- Requires use of another Base Magic.
- Base amount is based on the Base Magic used.
- Example: Path of Light mends HH
- Success Value will affect this amount.
- Example: Success (1) can turn H into HH but Failure (−1) can reduce it to 0.
- Modifiers affect this value the same as Damage Modifiers
- Example: Advantage can turn H into H or add H
- Mending has a temporary duration.
- Base Magics:
◼ |
Path of Light: |
HH |
◼ |
Path of Shadow: |
HH |
◼ |
Path of Nature: |
◼ |
Path of Arcane: |
H |
◼ |
Path of Earth: |
HH |
◼ |
Path of Fire: |
H |
◼ |
Path of Frost: |
H |
◼ |
Path of Water: |
- Second Step
- Cleanse
- Cleanse ailments from the target.
- Grants the target an additional save to overcome any ailment, such as Poison or a Magical Effect.
- Target may use the Healer's Stats.
- Caster may roll for the Target
- See Affliction Table
- Gain a1 when used on self.
- Diagnose
- Scan the target for details on their afflictions.
- Gain a1 on your next Healing attempt.
- May be Mending, Cleanse, or a Healing Kit.
- Improved Mend
- Mended damage now has a Long Duration.
- Gain a1 on amount Mended when used on self.
- Third Step
- Revive
- Revive a target knocked unconscious.
- Target might be Stunned or Dazed when they awake.
- Targets unconscious due to damage must be above 0 [H] to be revived.
- Transplant
- Transfer life into a target.
- Transfer any amount of Health to a target.
- Reduce your Health by an equal amount.
- Health reduced in this way can only be replenished by Rest.
- Health replenished in this way is not temporary.
- Might be possible to Transplant from one willing or unconscious target to another.
- Greater Mend
- Mend may also be used to reattach limbs that have been severed cleanly within the last hour.
- Will require further medical attention for permanent effect.
- Gain an additional a1 on amount mended, in addition to Advantage when used on self.
Path of Barriers
- First Step
- Personal Barrier
- Targets must stay within this range
- Create a barrier around up to [W] targets
- Requires use of another Base Magic.
- Barrier effect is based on the Base Magic used.
- If the effect is modified, change only the value that is highlighted
- Default Radius is Personal unless otherwise noted.
- An increase will usually mean adding a1 or increasing the Radius or Duration by one tier.
- Example: Path of Light barriers are BB
- This might be increased to BBB or be altered to B B
- Example: Path of the Storm barriers affect targets in Long Melee Range.
- This might be increased to Close Range.
- Base Magics:
◼ |
Path of Light: |
BB, Absorbs D damage. |
◼ |
Path of Shadow: |
B, Absorbs D damage. |
◼ |
Path of Arcane: |
B, Absorbs D damage and grants Resist Magic |
◼ |
Path of Void: |
Grants d1 to [W] incoming attacks each turn. |
◼ |
Path of Earth: |
Gain block (SV1) or gain a1 on Block Avoidance Rolls. |
◼ |
Path of Fire: |
Grants Resist Frost and casts light in a Small Radius. |
◼ |
Path of Frost: |
Resist Fire and all characters within Long Melee Range are affected by Chill. |
◼ |
Path of Storm: |
Shock characters in Long Melee Range. |
◼ |
Path of Water: |
B, Absorbs D damage, grants Resist Fire and Electric, and is airtight. |
- Second Step
- Directional Barrier
- Increase the effect of a barrier by limiting it to only one direction.
- Such as in-front of, behind, or one side of the target.
- Improved Personal Barrier
- May apply multiple barriers to the same target, increasing the effect.
- May Concentrate to increase the number of available barriers by [W].
- Third Step
- Large Barrier
- Requires Concentration
- Barrier size or effect is increased
- Personal −> Small Radius
- Small −> Medium Radius
- May increase effect or size with Total Concentration
- May be directional, further increasing the effect.
- Greater Personal Barrier
- May now create a number of barriers up to double your [W].
- Instead of only up to [W]
- May still Concentrate to further increase the number of Barrier available by an additional [W].
Path of Conjuration
- First Step
- Conjure Weapon
- Conjure a Light Weapon as a single action.
- May also Conjure other items such as arrows or simple tools.
- Requires use of another Base Magic.
- Weapons already count as being augmented by that Power.
- Second Step
- Conjure Armour
- Conjure Light or Medium armour around one's self.
- Improved Conjure Weapon
- May Conjure a Heavy Weapon or Shield instead of a Light Weapon.
- May Conjure a dagger or arrow as part of an Attack Action.
- Conjured items have Medium Duration.
- Third Step
- Conjure Steed
- Conjure a mount that may be ridden
- Improved Conjure Armour
- May Conjure Heavy Armour instead of Medium or Light Armour.
- Greater Conjure Weapon
- May Conjure any weapon as part of an Attack Action.
- May Conjure an item in each hand at the same time.
Path of Augmentation
- First Step
- Augment Weapon
- Targets must stay within this range
- Empower up to [W] weapons with magic.
- If a Ranged Weapon is Augmented, it affects the ammunition it uses.
- Requires use of another Base Magic.
- Weapons deal damage of a new type, such as frost or fire.
- Augment Effect is based on the Base Magic used.
- Base Magics:
◼ |
Path of Light: |
holy |
◼ |
Path of Shadow: |
shadow |
◼ |
Path of Nature: |
non-lethal |
◼ |
Path of Arcane: |
arcane |
◼ |
Path of the Void: |
Attacks ignore A, void |
◼ |
Path of Earth: |
change to blunt, sharp, or puncturing |
◼ |
Path of Fire: |
fire |
◼ |
Path of Frost: |
frost |
◼ |
Path of the Storm: |
electric, Shock |
◼ |
Path of Water: |
Gain +1 on Parry Avoidance Rolls |
- Second Step
- Transfer Power(?)
- Boost Power?
- Increase any one of a target's Physical Statistics by 1.
This may be [B], [A], or [D]
- Temporary Fate Die???
- Requires Concentration
- Improved Augment Weapon
- May Concentrate to increase the number of weapons enhanced by [W].
- Weapons may have enhancements from more than one Power.
- These damage-types cannot conflict, like fire and frost, or holy and shadow.
- Third Step
- Transfer Ability(?)
- Grant the target use of another ability.
- This ability requires a donor.
- The donor may not perform this ability while it is transferred.
- The target must stay within Medium Range of the donor for the duration.
- Augment Spell
- Augment Spells to use a different Power.
- May be used on an Ally or on yourself.
- Requires use of another Base Magic.
- Spells deal damage of a new type, such as frost or fire.
- Augment Effect is based on the Base Magic used.
- Requires Concentration if used on an Ally.
- Greater Augment Weapon
- May now enhance a number of weapons up to double your [W].
- Instead of only up to [W]
- May still Concentrate to further increase the number of weapons enhanceable by an additional [W].
Path of Manipulation TO DO
- First Step
- Alter Form
- Grant the target use of another ability.
- Second Step
- Alter Size
- Grant the target use of another ability.
- Missile Redirection
- Attack Rolls with bolt spells may use [W].
- Third Step
- Alter Power?
- Grant the target use of another ability.
- First Step
- Alter Form
- Grant the target use of another ability.
- Second Step
- Alter Size
- Grant the target use of another ability.
- Third Step
- Alter Power?
- Grant the target use of another ability.