

Character Background

The Background of your character defines who they were before they became who they are today. This might determine the equipment and finances that they start with, but mostly determines what and who they are likely to know.

Background is usually divided into two key areas, and . Characters should also choose a number of .

Background Culture

A character’s Background Culture is based upon the area they grew up in. This affects what they know and how they think. While this is frequently based upon their race, some areas may have a mix of races, and not every member of a certain race is raised the same way. Races are not homogenous cultures.

Characters should pick where they grew up, such as a City or a Village, and then determine what the culture of that area was, such as being a Military Port or an Elven Village. This culture might also determine the Background Experiences available to the character.

Languages known are usually determined by Background Culture.

Example Area Cultures

Background Experience

A character’s Background Experience is what they did or who they were before the story. This includes the various jobs they may have done before, as well as their upbringing or lifestyle.

This will affect what the character is likely or unlikely to know, as well as possibly giving them certain skills. A character with a background as a Criminal is more likely to know how to pick a lock, while a Noble character is more likely to understand proper etiquette. A character with a background as a Sailor may find it easier to stay upright on a moving ship, while a former Soldier might find it easier to befriend a guard.

Using Background Experience

If a character wants to use their Background to make a , they roll using [K]nowledge.

Example Area Backgrounds

Family Backgrounds

While a character's background is based on their lives, they may be further affected by the backgrounds of their families.

While two characters may each be Soldiers, one may be the son of a Noble, while the other is the daughter of a Labourer. This can have a lesser effect on what they know as a character. While their primary expertise is related to their life as a Soldier, they may have connections or limited knowledge based on their Family Background.

Characters may be able use their Family Backgrounds for certain Skill Rolls, but they might do so at a Disadvantage.

In order to use a Family Background, simply pick an additional Background when creating your character. If the same Background is chosen, the character may instead remove one of the Drawbacks.

This is an Optional Rule. Please agree with the GM and other Players.

Background Details

Below are some example backgrounds to use for your characters.

Example Background Details


Labourers are the foundation of society. Akin to the ground we walk on. Labourers work many of life's necessary but oft overlooked jobs that civilisation could not function without. Farmers, builders, miners, smiths, cobblers, and tailors may pass unnoticed until their absence is keenly felt. Often simple folk, that simple hard-working diligence can make them solid allies.


A soldiers life can be different depending on the army, campaign, rank, or weather, but certain things are common between Soldiers. The training received and the lessons learned, sometimes painfully so, can make even young Soldiers grow quickly. Some say there are Old Soldiers and Bold Soldiers but never Old, Bold Soldiers. Soldiers make reliable Allies for obvious reasons: when push comes to shove, these people are able to shove back.


For some people, a life of crime is just life. Many are dealt a bad hand and need to scrape by doing whatever they can, while others seek money, power, thrill, or infamy. Crime and criminals come in many shapes and sizes, but many skills are common between them all. Also, criminals tend to make long-lasting relationships, usually with law-enforcement or former targets. However, those skills learned from a life of dirty jobs can make (former?) Criminals a worthy ally.


Some individuals prefer the company of themselves. Many also prefer an open sky and fresh air to the dirty cramped spaces of a city. To these people, the Wilderness is where they spend most of their time. Life alone in this natural environment teaches many skills and these skills can be very useful for any that plan to interact with these environments.


Merchants are those that buy and sell products to others. Different from tradesmen and labourers, the business of Merchants is primarily in dealings with others. This typically requires interpersonal and financial skills. but travelling merchants may learn other skills and many merchants use stores as fronts for other nefarious dealings...


Many societies have a clear class divide. While this may not always be so cut and dry, money talks and people listen to those with it. Those fortunate to be born into money or other luxuries face a life far different to those born without. While they may not see them as such, those easy lives may be passed at politics, scholarly pursuits, artistry, or working their way up from a lowly officer. Often judged by those less fortunate, Nobles make solid Allies for more than their money sometimes.


Outsiders are those from another society, or ones that were never accepted into their own. Though they have skills and a background of their own, they will forever be seen as an Outsider. Outsiders can make solid Allies in any band that welcomes them, letting their other skills be put to use.


There are many religious orders dedicated to the various Divine Powers. The followers of these orders often follow strict codes and perform certain rituals. While this may be difficult or restrictive, these followers may be rewarded with a fraction of the Divine Power's might. These Followers make worthy Allies as they manage to bring this power to bear to aid their friends or harm their foes.


Well me father often told me when I was just a lad,
A sailor's life was very hard, the food was always bad.
But now I've joined the navy, I'm aboard a man-o-war,
And now I've found a sailor ain't a sailor any more.


For those who seek to utilise a Primal Power, a deal must be made. Rather than showing subservience or adherence to a code, they must pass a test of wits or strength to earn the respect of a Primal Power. While this can have lasting repercussions, many are willing to attempt this for a chance at the rewards. Primals make useful Allies as they bring these magical rewards to bear against Enemies, or use their powers to support their Allies.


Some people are fighters. They have survived something terrible and can keep going. These are people who emerged from terrible disaster, great sickness, or inflicted suffering. Excaped slaves, plague victims, and lone survivors all suffered great harm and emotional damage but found the will to keep going. Many who learn of this find great respect and admiration for these individuals. Survivors might see this event as having meaning and devote themselves to a cause. They may be worthy allies due to their dogmatic persistence and ability to endure the toughest of situations.


Apostates are individuals that have made bargains with Profane beings to gain dark knowledge and power. This comes at a steep cost and marks these individuals permanently. While this can be very powerful, these individuals often face harsh judgement from those who fear those powers, and often rightfully so. However, these powers and the forbidden knowledge can make Apostates a powerful Ally for anyone dealing with magic or dark forces.

No Background

Some individuals have no background. These may be mysterious individuals or those literally born yesterday. Regardless, these individuals do sometimes exist.


This background exists for any Custom Background that Players may want to create. This should be agreed upon with the GM.


Characters should choose a number of Relationships to have with other characters or Factions. These should be characters from your past, such as Family or Friends, but might also be Foes or former Friends that are now Rivals or Enemies.

Relationships should be categorised as Allies, Acquaintances, Rivals, or Enemies. More information can be found in the section of the page.

New Characters should create one Ally and one Rival or Enemy. Characters with the Background should choose an additional Rival.

Example Relationships

Ally : ____ was my mentor. They taught me how to ____ and ____.
Ally : ____ saved my life when ____ but I returned the favour when ____.
Ally : ____ and I have been friends since ____. Our greatest memory is ____.
Rival : ____ was my partner once, but ____ and we haven't been the same since.
Rival : ____ and I grew up together but we never got along. Once I ____ and they never forgave me.
Rival : ____ and I would always compete back in ____. I think they're ____ but ____.
Enemy : ____ was once my friend but they betrayed me when ____.
Enemy : ____ hates me ever since I ____, but they deserved it because ____.
Enemy : ____ tried to kill me once. They managed to ____ but I ____ in return.
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