- Characters use a list of Health Types
- Basic: HHH HH H
- If a character takes a Minor wound, mark off H.
- If a character takes a Major wound, mark off H.
- If a character takes a Mortal wound, mark off H.
- If a character cannot mark off an appropriate wound, they should instead mark a more serious wound.
- If a character must mark a Wound, but has no space, they are Out of Action.
- Damage is tagged to deal a certain type or amount of damage.
- An Orc Warrior has the [H] below.
- They also have Light Armour giving A.
- Armour Value (AV) is treated like Health.
- The Orc Warrior takes three Minor Wounds (DDD) and a Major Wound ( D ).
- They choose to remove A first, and the remaining DD is dealt to their Health.
- Mending effects only restore appropriate damage.
- The Orc Warrior is magically mended by their ally using a Level One spell.
- The spell rolls to mend HHH, but the Orc only has XX and the extra Mending is unused.
- This spell is unable to mend the X or any AV.
- The Orc Warrior takes another Minor Wound.
- Mended H is marked first.
- After an encounter, any temporary mending will expire.
- Combat ends and the magical mending expires.
- Healing Kits may be used to heal more permanently.
- The Orc Warrior uses a Healing Kit, but only manages to heal H.
- They decide to reduce the H damage to H.
- Armour Kits may be used to repair Armour.
Crossroads SF
Conflicts - Combat
Choosing a Stance
If a character is in combat, before making an Attack or a Quick Attack, a character may pick a stance.
- Base Stances
○ | Offensive: | Gain a1 on your Attack Roll, but gain d2 on all Attack Avoidance Rolls. |
○ | Defensive: | Gain a1 on either Dodge, Parry, or Block Attack Avoidance Rolls (Choose One), but gain d2 on Attack Rolls. |
○ | Basic: | No modifiers. |
Making Attacks
The first step of an attack is the Attack Hit Roll. The player rolls 3d6 and adds the various modifiers. If an NPC is making the attack, they might use a static value. This helps speed up the game.
- Attack Hit Roll: 3d6 + bonus + other modifiers
○ | Melee Bonus: | Weapon Skill |
○ | Ranged Bonus: | Weapon Skill |
○ | Spell Bonus: | None |
Avoiding Attacks
The next step of the attack is the Attack Avoidance Roll. This is rolled by the target of the attack. They roll 3d6 and add modifiers like any other Opposed Skill Roll. Characters may only make 1 Attack Avoidance Roll per attack, and by default are limited to a single Attack Avoidance Roll per turn.
Characters must be aware of attacks in order to avoid them, and if a character is unable to make an avoidance roll, they automatically Fail. Like Attack Hit Rolls, NPCs may use Static Rolls to help speed up the game.
A character may make each Attack Avoidance Roll once per turn.
- Attack Avoidance Roll: 3d6 + bonus + other modifiers
○ | Dodge Bonus: | Agility [A] |
○ | Parry Bonus: | Weapon Skill |
▪ Requires a weapon | ||
○ | Block Bonus: | Shield Value (SV) |
▪ Requires a shield or other object to block with | ||
○ | Resist Bonus: | Willpower [W] or Toughness [T] |
▪ Usually given by the spell. |
Multiple Attack Avoidance Rolls
Pending GM permission, Characters may make multiple Attack Avoidance Rolls of the same type each turn, but gain a1 on all rolls of that type. This increases by a1 for each additional Roll.
This is counted separately for each type of Attack Avoidance Roll.
An elf attempts to dodge an attack, rolling 3d6 adding [A] and any other modifiers.
If the elf attempts to dodge two attacks, they gain a1 on both rolls.
If the elf attempts to dodge three attacks, they gain a2 on all three rolls.
If the elf is attacked by three enemies, but only attempts to dodge two, they only gain a1 on two rolls, but the third attack gains +1 as if the elf had rolled a Failure (−1).
These modifiers do not affect any Parry, Block, or Resist Attack Avoidance Rolls.
Attack Result
If the attack hits, the Attacker may choose what happens. Typically, this will just deal damage, but if the Attacker wishes, they may instead perform another action such as a Combat Manoeuvre.
- Combat Manoeuvre Examples:
- Disarm
- Trip
- Reposition
- Hinder
- Sunder
- Push
- Pull
Calculating Damage
In some Health Systems, a damage dice is given for the attack is rolled with modifiers. However, this MVP Version is designed around the Narrative Health System which uses static damage and is detailed in Health Systems below.
Damage Types
Certain damage will have a specific type. These may affect enemies, armours, or other things differently. For example, Characters may have Resistance or Weakness against certain Damage Types. List of Damage Types
- Examples:
○ | Dagger | D sharp or puncturing damage |
○ | Heavy Mace | D blunt damage |
○ | Bow | DD puncturing damage |
○ | Fire Bolt | D fire damage |
Additional Combat Modifiers
Certain modifiers may also affect Attack Rolls or Attack Avoidance Rolls.
Advantageous/Disadvantageous Position
If a character is in an Advantageous Position, they might gain Advantage (usually a1) on their Attack or Attack Avoidance Rolls. Similarly, a character in a Disadvantageous Position might gain Disadvantage (usually d1) on their Attack or Attack Avoidance Rolls. This will usually be set by the GM.
However, one character being in an Advantageous Position does not automatically put their opponent in a Disadvantageous Position.
If a Conflict involves frequent Affliction Abilities, it may be cumbersome to roll a Resist Roll for each character every time.
With the Innoculation Rule, after a character is Afflicted, they are immune to this Affliction for a Short Duration. This includes other Characters using the same ability.
Distance in Combat
All ranges will be given in rough approximations. These are defined below, though these may be changed if you wish. A rough rule is that each range is double the previous range.
Weapons may be used up to one increment above their range, but may receive d1 on any Attack or Damage Rolls. If used at shorter ranges, they might also receive d1 on Attack or Damage Rolls. Targeted spells may sometimes be used outside of their regular range, though they may receive d1 on any Attack or Damage Rolls. For each range they exceed, the difficulty increases exponentially. (d1, d2, d4, d8 etc.)
Movement in Combat
In Combat, Characters may use Grid Distance or Narrative Distance. This would be agreed upon by all players at the start of the Combat (or the start of the Campaign).
Grid Movement
Each block of the grid is equal to 2m. Moving from one block to another costs 2[M], and diagonal movement costs 3[M]. This may be increased due to obstacles or Difficult Terrain.
Narrative Distance
Characters typically act warily in combat and move in a more guarded manner. A single Move Action allows a character to change their distance to an opponent by one increment. Eg. Going from Short to Medium Range, or Short to Close Range.
Approaching an Enemy
Characters may Charge at an Enemy, but any character that tries to move within an Opponent's Weapon's Range may be attacked by that enemy with that Melee Weapon. On a Success or Partial Success, this may slow or prevent the target from moving instead of dealing damage.
A dagger-wielding Cultist (Range: Touch) attempts to charge a Pike-wielding Soldier (Range: Adjacent).
When the Cultist attempts to move closer than Adjacent Range, the Soldier gets an attack. They may attempt to stop the Cultist from moving closer.
If the Cultist is not stopped, and moves from Immediate Range to Touch Range, the Soldier gets another attack.
However, the second attack would be inside the Pike's optimal range and the Soldier would receive Disadvantage .
Characters may attempt to move normally in Combat, disregarding other combatants, but may be attacked by any unoccupied enemies within range. Any area threatened by an Enemy counts as Difficult Terrain for the purposes of movement.
Taking Damage
Health Systems
There are multiple options for tracking health and damage in Crossroads, and further details can be found on the Combat Health section. However, this MVP Version is designed around the Narrative Health system detailed below.
Narrative Health
Health: | HHH HH H |
Armour: | AAA AA A |
Damage: | DDD DD D |
Barrier: | BBB BB B |
Character Recovery
There are a number of ways for Characters to recover from damage taken and other effects.
Magical Healing
Magical Healing, or Mending, is a temporary solution to assist characters injured in battle. This magic numbs the pain and seals the wounds to prevent bleeding, but expires after a set Duration. This can sometimes affect even Weakness and Fatigue.
While affected by Mending, any damage taken by characters will first be absorbed by the Mending as the magical energies react to protect the target. Remove Mended [H] before other [H]. However, any anti-magic effects will cause damage to ignore this protection and Dispel effects will remove this magical healing entirely.
A character who is Out of Action but magically healed will be Out of Action again once the Magical Healing expires.
Healing Kits
Healing Kits contain bandages and other supplies to treat wounds. When used, they heal for a set amount of Health. Characters applying a Healing Kit must roll a Skill Check with the result affecting the amount healed. Characters applying a Healing Kit to another Character gain Advantage on the Skill Roll.
With Narrative Health, the base value is H. The Success Value of the Skill Roll may add or remove H and can cause this to range from 0 to HHH.
Instead of healing H, you may reduce H damage to H, or H damage to H.
Characters can only be affected by a Healing Kit once per day, though as with many rules, this is up to the GM and may be agreed upon with other Players.
Alchemical Potions may be used to grant Characters additional temporary Health. Like Magical Healing, Potions only last for a limited duration, intended to keep a character fighting rather than truly heal them. Most Potions work more like combat stimulants or painkillers and some potions may be poured on wounds to staunch bleeding.
While affected by a Potion, further damage or effects will not first be absorbed by the Potion's effect like Magical Healing. [H] from Potions will be removed after other [H]. However, any anti-magic or dispel effects will not affect Potions. Potions are designed to keep characters in the fight, but they might also help characters last long enough to receive other forms of Recovery.
Unconscious Characters can be forced to imbibe potions to regain consciousness but any character who was Out of Action will be Out of Action again once the Potion expires.
Characters that rest for an entire day, with sufficient food and water, heal for a small amount. This amount is increased if they receive medical attention from a Medical professional or Healing Kits.
With Narrative Health, characters are healed for H per day. Also, any Healing Kits used gain additional Advantage on the Skill Roll, but other rules still apply.
Instead of healing H, you may reduce H to H, or H to H
Non-lethal Damage
Characters that suffer more Non-lethal Damage than they have Health are knocked unconscious. However, non-lethal damage expires after a certain amount of time, usually a Short or Medium Duration.
Out of Action
A character is Out of Action when they are unable to act. There are many methods for taking a character Out of Action:
- Running out of [H]ealth.
- Having any Statistic fall below −3.
- Succumbing to Weakness.
- Succumbing to Fatigue.
- Taking more non-lethal damage than remaing [H].
- Certain poisons, potions, spells, or other effects.
When an NPC is Out of Action, they usually die. However, NPCs may be knocked unconscious if the character is important or the players want to try and take them alive. This is mostly up to the GM.
Captured NPCs might require Healing unless Non-lethal Damage is used.
Player Characters
If a player character is taken Out of Action, they are knocked unconscious. They may be revived at the end of the combat. Enemies will usually ignore unconscious characters, though some may try to capture them or even eat them. Unconscious characters may not act until they are revived by another character.
If the players do not rescue the unconscious character, because they had to flee or they were captured, they may have to rescue them later or sometimes the character might even be killed. This is up to the GM.
If the entire party is knocked unconscious, they may be killed. However, typically they will be captured. When captured, they may be taken as prisoners and need to: escape (alone or with the help of others), bargain for freedom, or be ransomed or rescued by other characters. In especially rare cases, the party might be rescued by other special characters instead of being captured.
Special Creatures
Certain creatures cannot be knocked unconscious. They may be immune because they are a construct or other creature. In these cases, these creatures are usually killed or destroyed when they run out of health, though they may be rebuilt or revived later.
Very rarely, certain creatures cannot be killed at all. These characters will usually have special rules for what happens when they run out of Health.
Instant Death
If a character takes damage from a single source that is greater than their [H], they usually die instantly and are not knocked unconscious. This is usually up to the GM.
Certain other causes of death, such as decapitation or being crushed or anything else that causes certain death, will also result in death rather than being knocked unconscious. Please see The Most Important Rules.
Ending Combat
Conflicts will end automatically if there is only one (or fewer) Teams left in the Conflict. There are a number of ways for a Team to leave a Conflict.
NPCs will typically Flee or Surrender if they are outnumbered, injured, and/or their leader is Out of Action.
At any point, one Team in a conflict can Surrender and if it is accepted by their opponents, that Team will leave the Conflict.
Certain foes may try to run if they fear they are losing a Conflict. If a team has no characters In Action that are not fleeing, that Team will leave the Conflict.
If every character in a team is taken Out of Action through loss of [H]ealth or other effects, that Team will leave the Conflict.
If every character in a team is unable to act due to spell effects or Binding, that Team will leave the Conflict.