Crossroads SF
What is Crossroads?
What is Crossroads about?
In summary, Crossroads is a system for adventures in a fantasy setting with a focus on narrative storytelling and player choice.
The Crossroads System uses 3d6 with rules designed primarily to simplify conflicts and assist with storytelling.
Base Description
Crossroads is a Tabletop RPG that doesn't use classes or experience, but instead lets players use Character Points to improve their Statistics or follow short "Paths" to create their own character. Character Points are gained through completing Goals set by the Player so that each Character has personal objectives they follow to improve their character. Character design involves Race and Background, as well as a Character Concept including Personality, Beliefs, and Motivation to help players focus on creating fully realised characters.
Most character Actions are free-form and based primarily around Statistics. However, Conflicts with more structure are broken up into Simple, Social, and Combat Conflicts.
Design Goals
The primary goal of the system is for more narrative play, with each player having their own goals and intentions, and to facilitate the telling of a story together as a group. Character Narrative Progression is as important as other forms of Progression.
The system should make characters that aren’t constrained into preset roles or classes. Players instead use Paths to build the character they want. Character progression is less linear, with smaller progression in each area, and health pools are limited. Mechanical Progression should be on Horizontal with only short Vertical Progression. This means Characters will become heroes narratively but remain mortal and not become fantastically powerful.
During Conflicts, Opposed Rolls and other choices should give players agency and responsibility over results, while Compensating Failures and Partial Successes mean players have options even if they don't fully succeed. The Fate system will allow players to have more control over the events of the world. Conflicts should feel more like puzzles or added tension in stories rather than challenges of strength or luck, and never sources of loot and experience. Opponents should have interesting abilities and react appropriately, surrendering or fleeing in certain conditions. Players are encouraged to end fights rather than start them.
Combat is not a focus in this system, and other solutions should always be possible. Conflicts should be tied into plots, themes, or story elements and not random encounters. Conflict resolution being free-form and intuitive and allows players to decide for themselves how they will try to solve a situation and what Statistic they will use.
What is MVP?
MVP stands for "Minimum Viable Product".
This is not the full game, but is a version pruned of anything not necessary for playing the game. This allows the game to be playable by anyone who wishes to take a look at the system. Other version may exist with different or additional rules. This is also the core game model free from inevitable bloat.
Getting Started
The best place to get started with these rules is the Getting Started section.
The menu on the left side can also be used to quickly navigate the Rules.